Show BY AlriS EO CUMMING GOVERNOR TERRITORY A proclamation nicca 9 one company of the U S infantry under the command irmand co of captain Is now stationed around the court house a at t provo vi here inhere the lion john Cradle cradlebaugh bagh is i now holding g court and eight addi additional tiona I 1 cc companies of infantry one of artillery and ai d one of cavalry ca vilry under the commando command of f major paul adu are stationed within sight of the court house and whereas the presence of soldiers has a tendency cv not only to terrify the inhabitants and disturb the peace of the territory but also to subvert the brids of justice by iv causing tile the intimidation of witnesses and jurors and this movement of troops has been made without consultation with me and as I 1 believe is 13 in in opposition to both the letter and spirit of my instructions and whereas gen benl johnston commander of the military department of utah has refused my request that he would issue the necessary orders for the removal of the above mentioned troops yow therefore Is cumming governor of the territory of utah do b hereby c r c bv publish this my solemn protest against this present military movement amov ement and also against all movements of troops incompatible with the letter and spirit of the annexed ext extract at from rom the instructions received by me from government tor for my guidar guidance gui darce lc is hile governor Go vernoi vernol of the territory of utah la in testimony whereof f I 1 have h hereunto set I 1 my hands hard and caused the seal of LS the territory to be affixed done at great salt lake city this twenty seventh day of march AD A V eighteen hundred arid and fifty nine and of the independence of the united states the eighty third ALFRED by the governor JOHN HARTNETT secretary of state r it is 13 your 3 ajr duty to talc take care that the laws ar are e faithfully executed and to maintain th the e peace arid and good of the territory and a also I 1 so to support by your our power and authority the civil olli cers in in the performance of their duties if these officers when hen thus ei engaged aged are forcibly opposed or HAVE jear juar REASON KEASON TO EXPECT opposition they have a right to call such portions ot of the to their aid as thedina they may y deeni necessary if circumstances ii hen hould I 1 leadom cad y 0 u to believe that the ordinary force at the diba disposal osal of such officers will be insufficient to oi arcome any resistance that may be reasonably anticipated then yott are authorized to call for such number of troops as the occa occasion may require re sho wh v ill act as a posse comitatus comitatus and v hi e thus employed they will be under the direction of the pio cioper civil vil officer AND ACT IN WITH wim THE YOU GIVE AS THE itie CHIE cinar F EXECUTIVE JU 2 11 IL OF 01 THE 11 Y provo march 1839 1859 KIRK ANDEn ADEM sox 01 esq editor valley tan lan str SIR the following is 13 substantially my charge to the grand jury elpant belled for the 2nd and judicial district delivered in in this city on the esth dinst very V ery respectfully JOHN |