Show KIRK KIEK ANDERSONS V VALLE ALLEY Y TAN THOMAS S WILLIAMS ATTORNEY AT IT 1 LAW d IV will practice in all the courts at the especially in the CT U 8 district courts and S supreme pl court he will give efficient attention to fill all professional en gani monts is OFFICE wet west me of 0 east temple tt at opposite miller hasal co cob 1 storo to G S L city nov I lt tf LAW NOTICE A A LEXANDER R WILSON WILSO U S at AA tomy lot for utah uh territory will attend promptly professional In trusted to mm him 1111 with dr forney of 0 india abtil afla lra G S L I 1 city 17 tt 7 LIQUORS teeing EING desirous of closing out our ex D stock block of llou ors 78 we will hereafter sell lell tb bet beat s st lucia loul Rec tided whisky ky at three dollars and am fifty cents cent per lia gallon tion other honors in proportion fc CO 18 16 tf t LAGER LAGEE BEERI BEER AN SIN 10 4 ER i 0 nor T WE E will N ill endeavor to furnish the sut perlor malt halt liquors liquor of the above establishment in to suit purchasers ALE PORT hit ad BEHR to bomers either at the ur crys or at out 11 amp 1 I FOR THE accommodation OF TRVA ELERS we have opened dining rooms at the br eryl where 1 ican be procured pr cured tall b or web a ve secured a goo supply of bay and oats and 0 t hustler Is ready to take care or f animals O OCR at R P brichs R 1 ces 1 in consequence ol 01 1 the ibo 1 alrh 19 b of provi blons and tho the ot at ii dg thim the are re as fal tol gollob lob single arala ta 09 00 F for sor apar 1 a 1 fo or r t fingle ie e il n or 0 be pr arr it head es d no 60 by bay aud ad I 1 I 1 1 00 nil cobble choie prices for or feea over oer n I 1 ht abin N B the b highest 1 cali ca b meliv petco paid ta li or r Is ARLEY lud ad for or produce of 0 a all kl kinds ads d at th brewery MOGO M 0 MRS ur CO hot springs point of 1 c unal south ob of city SALT LARE HOUSE JMES TO proprietor prices of board baad Ba ord dd and lodging pr per wet week nov I 1 orl without lodging Loa lug 10 00 per day 2 50 app upper beket Bek ft and nil lodging 3 00 g mem ar 1 00 A I 1 ri 1 p per night b hay and gr gran S 00 j to b ad in advance 15 am IT S mail line linc prom om st sl joseph to io great salt sall lake czuj is I 1 hereby given that LN gers will not t be carried by us lit on any curtion of this mall mail route roulo until further notice and that the IN agents anil and conductors conduct I 1 on the rowe mie are rf positively forbidden from taking pa agers on an any con illions banever bat ever J M HOCK A DAY DAT co CO Fb 13 P K dt dohon ant nt MILLER RUSSELL go co WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN IM FOREIGN IND AND DOMESTIC GROCERIES HATS AND ND CPS CAPS WINES LIQUORS ac blowing 11 E IR stock consists in in part of of the thi following articles viz viar tea coffee chewing tobacco su sugar suar ar spice smoking tobacco y po ponder de r shot playing cards pepper mace cinnamon nutmegs Nut megs caps capa ac c pale cognac brandy monongahela whisky dark do do bourbon do new ew york do rectified do gin port wine GROCERIES french Mu mustard mixed pickles durham do assorted do assorted jams do gherkins do jellies piccalilli Pic colilli do syrups pickled onions do cordials cordiali Cor dials tomato catsup brandy peaches walnut catsup do cherries mushroom catsup do pe pears a r as ca cayenne enn paper pepper Ass sorted west lery seed see preserves Pres eryea spanish olives rhubarb pie fie fruit pepper sauce peach do 10 assorted sauces sauce apple do do nat preserves bluml do capers Ca pottes raspberry do natural pressed pines gooseberry do roast turkeys turkey blackberry brandy roast chickens chicken raspberry brandys brandy string beans fresh L lobster ers green peas pickled do do corn fresh cia clagg assorted herbs minee me meat at do sweetmeats Sweet meats sausage meat natural preserved fresh cauliflower peaches pickled do catl worcestershire sauce berries stoughton bitters natural preserved fresh frea salmon damsons adamsons Dam sons fresh tomatoes mushrooms french pickles hostetter bitters tarri on vinegars vinegar bakers do fields field 0 oysters le dranda do cove 1 do 0 royal windsor do pine A apple I 1 je cheese maraschino 0 olive I 1 ive oil chiacco Cu CuT iacco acco assorted Cand candies Absy nth raisins scotch ale almonds london porter english walnuts Schei Sch eidam darn schnapps brazil nuts golden grape co Cognac nac figs r old virg virginia na deac Peach datesy Dates brandy prunes mountain dew whis ivilla pecans ky crackers family S supplies lies crall knells morning call a E D cheeses cheese indian Queen Madena also a large and well selected stock of clothing hats and caps gents cents boots Shoes Hardware ladies shoes notions woolen gloves Ilo hosiery sieg do mitta B buck uck loves gloves do do mitts stationery tcp ac do gaunt letts letta all of which they upon the lowes lowest terms tor for cash or country produce G S L city dec let ast 1888 1838 WANTED A F FEW EW good mules in in exchange fo good cattle app 2 tt A lauf G S L city ITO 4 isit the under undersigner undersigned signed would old moat at i I tIt of utah that they are 10 still dolg doglii t b 1 ti their old and well known stan gland is in great stu salt i 1 1 where the most desirable goods adapted to the ct of 0 the people ny may always lwy be founds loans lovns th T i a house houie tt at floyd wb ie style 9 as kept liera here may inny be hd bad it at the itei lt torm form rate it may bf be n object for those fabin 11 ing touch t know 11 at camp floyd at the awe price aa they the 4 1 at 1 in this city wa w thankful for lormer patronage extended by th i 1 pl pie ot of this thin T territory itty they would respectfully I continuant conti nuan c of 0 the isme a livingston co in the course of ten dy days we shall hall be able ible i to IV 10 our mi remt friens with wim certainty our mi aral 1 tf L it 0 1 L A calr I 1 B booksellers 0 0 L L B R st S TA T 10 XE AND BLANK BOOK manlutac TuI tElls wo no 49 main street ST louls LOUIS MO 10 17 constantly on hand all L J JV booke ahm tl g pale philosophic reading hooks book m alfi ac now itt it alch ch they mr ti ilk in 1 EST 1 their stock of 0 FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC S stationery BLANK BOW boolas PRINTING AND WRITING PAPER has acre with tb 9 tia are ad 1 EXTENSIVE BINDERY BIN MERr attached Attach rd to 11 i they re lad p i I 1 nil 11 kind at blaak she to at m atice 4 tf MOUNT VERNON HOTEL AT CAW CAMP FLO FLOYD FD TE CHARLES HARRISON TAI TRAVELERS and boarders can cana y be sc ab bc the m allon li and neat nd arratt jj mel P 8 1 farm anner will tie be paid rid the hi la g h sat lot or all kinds of 1 country produce lt tf WEW NEW GOODS B ST received a full stock of klapel J r 1 llila 1 1 I 1 av itt I 1 61 1 rit I 1 10 ILE AR S TIMED or fe arar nf M pint 0 tv l M 1 11 11 hi our 1 r ho 3 aft P on the near PA bil ia re rd will be given for bla 10 it f RADFORD CA CABOT OT am CO FOR SALE SAIE AGER beer and ale in m lots 11 L I 1 it by hoc batt barj C RA CABOT lo 10 lf f FOR SALE 0 NE N E thousand head bead of SHEEP ulca ink boull burch lir arx I 1 will take tk la in lam ahti ol 01 t ad barly 1 CHARLES MOGO 10 I 1 0 tt tf not hot spring brei D W BAYLIES S SON mattw MAKE HS WOULD respectfully inform the Y I 1 of alili U ut lm t and ad acup floyd etli hav eJust received from large watch rit sterl and ad will ill promptly rany i wilia or other jewelery jewelery Jewel cry committed to their cr care charif St libIs at t store of kinkead at D lod their 11 A arent t at crup floyd and 1 will promptly 1 fumi and 1 I ill placed in ka als hands and I 1 d charge for or carr carriage laze 1 U S I 1 L city january r ard 3rd 1869 1859 lo 10 0 if t f j CHAS MAURICE SMITH ATTORNEY AND julij COUNSEL AT LAW I 1 great suit stilt lake I 1 ake city utah territory 5 11 1 8 M BIAIR ATTORNEY AND counsellor COUNSEL LOI AT 1 T LX LAW TV office council house et miller RA ba tore 24 2 4 RADFORD CABOT CO ALE AND RETAIL DALP 1 re III GROCERIES DRY GOODS aff GOODS ETC at the old of mr howard H edg great salt CUS WAGONS aby FEW light lanyon fagons for 0 sail by lt l 1 tt t GILB blui GE EMPIRE S ALOON THE E BAR is now furnished furnish edvil wit large and c h oice lot 0 of liquors wine alnet ke 11 chased with great eare care and to which the a th choie desiring WHOLESOME 18 wal call d 2 tt t ma COW STRAYED ON the october last a small yo W light red COW white face ace and a thick as hikell pa arod aro d her borns horns horna small was wa gli 1 1 l think she was branded attwood on I 1 ahe blell t certain ilease bring berto her to cortle curtle E s biily baz 1 ib i b 1 ward ird G 3 L city opposite the school siv do WORK CA TLE i 1 LOO fr YOKE of W work 0 rk cattle in in r JL W working condition for sale dale by g I 1 tt tf GILBERT k MILLE co wholesale whole a and ad d retail reta it deal dealers rs il ri t FOREIGN DOM DOMESTIC boots shoes hats capy HARDWARE WINES LIQUORS A 1 cla ft and ad out outwitting outfitting fitting goda generally are now t anol complete stock of goods in the their irline line v I 1 m been brought to this which i low figurea cr cash or product lm l M |