Show orla 1 M ISO 0 sy afternoon iov F hicl eglip L mckinney McK ioney of westport la soul I 1 d died ae dint in thia fils cit city y osyp of typhoid hoid fever fevers j mf alt kinney was a freighter abid wg trains cave jiam e aaa arm ed athin je he lash jast geeki veel i we me lama I 1 n a adane yn j eo of tetra cd ivas tai ceri abick ck shorn ly ay after ate r his arrival mr air mckinney 1133 yell well khop po i jackson lisso as an Xem pary Man manjang man and jand it will be ratifying to bt to IA every ta elry attention that was possible v asb up on him his llis tuner funer atoo aja place e 2 day afternoon i deposited itea 1 in tho geal rd 8 e clafry c r the deceased dece IF ase I 1 leaves eaves A e n I 1 r tand a family in Mis soan 11 1 ij c e i |