Show extracts pashel in M the tt brigham Brig harn young saidi said 1 I have hae ft a few remarks to make to tho the missionaries I 1 consider all the elders of this church chuili missionaries and I 1 will liere here say that every man who is is clothed with uth the anes priesthood chood can magnify it while cultivating in the earth or liol follon lowing ing any all other useful occupation as well as in preaching the iho gospel gopel to the nations for while hile an elder is is diligent and by his labor produces wheat corn and other articles for the sustenance of man mail and beast ile ho is is administering life and salvation bah aaion an elder who ma magnifies his calli calling ncr has a right to bless Ms his land his fields his crops his fl flocks ard and herds his wivel wn e and children ren he has a rii right h t to heal the sick and cast evil ci il spirits out of man mail or beast if any of his family or animals are sick he has a right to lai lay hands upon them and heal them an and to do all things which are ri right ht and lawf lawful ul but a in man without the priesthood has not the legal right to do these things thing now how is it tt with aih you ou ye e elders ciders of israel israela do da you magnify your our calling in all 1 I I 1 these thee th things ings or do you ou take the name of god in in rain vain aud and curse lie and steal i a little littlee and ana when the devil gets into your animals do you ou partake of the same spirit und ind go to fighting them or do you cast the devil dei il out OF of the thema I 1 leave leaie you ou to judge 11 jedediah 31 grant said you need not wonder that we raise stout boys I 1 in in the mountains for we e want childred chil drea of the right build we w e do not I 1 want a scrubby breed here men alen of I 1 mormon blood are not afraid to die the men that tremble and NA whose hose hearts go pitty patty because they have hare got to die are not worth a picayune A man that refuses to walk up in in the track no matter what comes and steadily press forward though gh there should be a lion in the way lie le is is not of mormon grit rit that was the grit joseph smith tad had and when he spoke he spoke by the power of an endless priesthood which was upon him and that is the power by which brigham speaks when hen he stood up in in the majesty of his priesthood and rebuked the judges here I 1 know some of our milk arid and water folks thought all the fat m arin the fire br briham bri ham has gone rather too far ho he might haie spoken a little milder than he did I 1 think it would have been much better better etc this was the language of hofsom so hearts and I 1 feel to so say damn all such poor puss yim ism when a roan man of god speaks let him speak what he pleases and let all israel say araen amen george A smith said 1 I presume I 1 have ha e talked to you 5 ou long iong enough it is is a matter I 1 feel eel f considerable about I 1 know men are careless women are careless and if there i is not greater care taken women will be carried away prisoners and their children will ull be murdered if they wander off carelessly and unprotected I 1 tell you ou in in a country like this where women are scarce and hard to get we jehae have great heed beed to take care of them and not let the indians have them walker himself has teased me fora for a white wife and if any of the sisters will volunteer to marry him I 1 believe I 1 can close the war forthwith fortaw ith I 1 am certain unless men take care of their wo we men walker may supply himself on a liberal scale and without clodin closing cl osin the war either in conclusion I 1 will say if any lady wishes to bs b mrs walker if she will report herself to me I 1 will agree to negotiate the match |