Show important battle in iii ton Terri territory torl we mentioned lit in thi this mornings edition of the adlia the arrival arm al ot of mi ill r pierson an from lort fort vancouver at Shat shaista sta viah di r e clat blaik k with ith information addre addressed sed to the officers at fort reading leading tile the republican from aich hichwa hi chwe Q obtained our notice nonce of the ex espres pres stated slated that air amr pierson brought brou lit diews ues about the battle of the four lakes the aidy items ot of interest in in addition to vh what chite ite we had bie biafore fore bein being that col wright had captured horses we ave learn this morning however ha wever that these statements ot the shasta republican are very cry incorrect mr pierson brought dispatches eiith ith news of a second bat battle tle which resulted result td d ill in a complete defeat of the indians hid ians and the saucing for peace by the cmur d dA lenes the most inot powerful I 1 of the hostile tribes the dispatches from uen gen dark clark at fort vancouver er and col lit arrived armed here late on monday ili night itt and v were ere addre addressed sed to washinton Nh hither ither they evere ere forwarded or on I 1 the golden gate by major allen alien to care they were tt ere brought we learn froin om major alien that accompanying accompany ing t the he di dispatches he received a hasty ahasay letter from tile the assistant adjutant general of the department Depart met statin stating that an important battle had been fought by col wrights command the news ot aich had just been received recen ed at Va banou nouver nou er the language of the letter was that t a great many indians had been killed and and tile the enemy completely routed nine hundred horses besides other catt cattle le were baken raken such was as the number of cattle that the command wat at burth ened with uth them and most inot of them were ere shot it was understood that the cheur calenes dA lenes one of the throe three hostile tribes en engaged abed in the battle we presume tho the pelo delouse stase and were the others as at the four lakes sued for peace immediately after their defeat the c command 0 1 however was at the latest ino moment m ent still vi vigorously pursuing the retreating indians the who brought tile the dispatch states that 70 indians were killed I 1 among whom were 3 chiefs we have no information as to the place or dattor 1 name of the battle Proba bably how I 1 1 bable honie ever it took place between the yos snake n k and rivers about the middle of I 1 september great importance is at ati i cached to the battle it is s supposed to have crip crippled and scared the indians of the eastern easter n division of washinton washington ton territory so that they will 4 ba glad bior for peace now orl any ter terms itris which our govern gover n milt in may Y see jee fit to abc dictate ae to 3 them I 1 |