Show WEAK LUNGS MAnEST STRONG KONG persona per re sona rons who stay iii dt disira a al tho the time lime and loan over a counter or r a leak desk boner or later discover coer that their lungs I 1 lt giving out editors are often thus thin 1 1 13 rastus R sutherland editor of I 1 easum castern state sti journal white rian ariann new kew I 1 i irk writes 1 I have used ALLCOCK 18 PLASTERS rits in my family since bince in t t year I 1 had an ati patirck P ck of pneumonic I 1 fram rout ithell I 1 wai nut not expected t toreco recover ier my mv luiis lun 0 wera left in a very weak state I 1 commenced usuna VOROUS them constantly co three mantha twi tw I 1 i it the breast and two on the back the remit wan waa mp ing at least to me the pailas paid in my alvn bunns s had left me and I 1 felt lik like i giant bant refreshed with new wine in 1850 crams bronchial tro tn heel ken ere introduced and amr from that tinie linw their lam jonesb in colds t Co coughs Ast asthma liuia and Bron Bronch chith nii lias bits ben been uni laralle arallen aral lel kd d I 1 1 I 1 I ARLIC pit PIL 1110 lii the glea m e diel noon on batth use th on 0 uniti c i arid and vu iju aill ill no n e er cr be m without them in tile house hore for bale halff by all druggists JH A H alio is ilsc to present a thirl thir I 1 in the lie loom and A 11 ill find tile lw flaw ten im fie may imi a forgotten the cause ITCHING ni RS si movi ture intense itching anil ana most at lighte borio or by it sall swallowed owed t to 0 continue tumors bumon form which often bleed aid rod ulcerate e becoming very sore neopa the itching and bleeding bra fi ulceration ulce raton on anil and in many in cases tile tumors it 16 ad ii eRti ally effta fu a curing all blim Disi solea DIL W AYN I 1 K I 1 hi MU IN proprietors proprietor 1 DIMMEST I CUD call bo 0 sent by b mall mail for SO 60 cents HO Vs ta german cobol Colo colodne cne no delightful per fuin films of 0 the me ate ba bail 8 MR ity N 14 a sure iro indica ajl tx V ii yr 4 lowell mass 1 1 I 1 its lt n no 0 u use e to feel of nl anle a wrist dg agether ether said kiu pat when th the e 1 1 fy b bg n tu taki tak tile the pain iain b not air iasin aiji doiy ciul k 14 DELICATE NURSING mothers mothenia Mot heni men andhor all diseases where awat from the inability to dig t ordinary food foid or from overwork of the bram brain or or bad bobiy all such bhanu toke take scotts EMULSION TON of pure iuro cod liver glicr oil mitti I 1 used aused the amul ion on a ludy ulio mho as delicate a and a threatened ith bronchitis it put iier ber lit in kuch auch good health and flesh that I 1 clubb say it is ij the best beat emul ion I 1 ever used L P WADDY 11 11 D hughs mills milla S C SURELY CUBED to the editor Il leatte intel in your readers rein lori tint that I 1 hiva have a positive tite a remedy tor for the aboa bo 9 disease cv by its timely thou pAnda of impels cases lie have been bee permanently lure cure 1 I 1 I abair bu bit glad to scud two of B my remedy viter HEB t to any of 0 your readers who burc ciure ii they wilt dl solid me their eprea and P 0 addreal T A blockum bl a C pearl st york fork see cc antisell piano advertise meoL try G gerlei detmen tor for breakfast 0 Wak wakeless elees shuh rel and cipher try it arid prove c tile best istl athe cheapest clo s CL co san sail francisco 0 tv afflicted ith sure sora 1 frei 3 ei 1 use uro dr hsiao thomp bons eons K e water Drug gitti Camel camellino linit improves ginipro as said preserves the comp complexion com letlon T 0 nil WIMS A RALE M MK ARIC p q SCIATICA haiser misery it is instructive to note from ali lit lati nt a logue oae of clise ascE that nine cinc of 0 ft latal I 1 e cisca Ls reach jhc thc chronic stare stage through gli 9 4 stupid to a correct treatment wile thesy the system stern is Arsta first sailed it itis is easily cisily shown that thousands of lives could be behaved say saved ed PAINS torture lOr tUre for instance SCIATICA which so sorely tile bunian family and which is a lili eil to he be noi ralgia of of the sciatic nerve of tile hil joint or parts adjoining i hij bijj goy gout paig laing lit in theNn the loins and sand hilis ia even in us its lull debt form never seizes its prey without alu tile warning SYMPTOMS acute sudden and an acute pains in m tle the hip P and 1 its ins aa alvi elling tenderness borenis ao renis fever lameness lannue mid sometimes excruciating crucia trucia ting pains tto the disease rapidly develops into chronic ironic cl or inflammatory stage oua p thop vw thoroughly and vigorously NO with la 81 S JACOBS tm oil create a burning sensation seil tv the friction of nibbles oil t ic opil oil apply J abrath flaim els wrung out in an liot hot water J wd fad ty by Dru guhl ind Deat heaters erit everywhere TH THE E CHARLES A CO SaltI moril md I 1 0 a 00 4 god cod bless the duke of argyle tho the roost most distressing forma of itching and inglam castory diseases of the skin and ca are ara instantly relieved and permanently cured by the CUTI CrItt when all others fall ail tho the great slin skin cure arvi nl CuTic riu SOAP a al ai I exquisite skin beautifier prepared from it external externally lj and tho the me ner blood luri purifier fier cure every form 01 ol of torturing disfiguring itching scaly scally and I 1 imply imly diseases of the skin scalp mid and blood with io loss of hair from infancy to old cl l ago I 1 have haro been cured of ft a most unbearable itching skin blin disease ty tho the CuTic rnA they have bavo enabled me to escalo scars 3 cars of suffering you may use ugo my lay name damo na as a ref crenco and any one on w who bo wants to know about my case may right me inc stamp W it BROOKS 47 grove street providence r 1 I I 1 am a canvasser and one 3 tar sat ago I 1 was badly afflicted eted with salt bait rheum so bo that I 1 was aa to walk alk I 1 tried tho the KEi ItE imig and they entirely cured me F E rome NY N Y sold everywhere price me SOAP ti 1 prepared by the datria ass AIB co boston maw mass ao send sand lor for now illow to cure caro skin diseases Kis cases ct 64 pages CO 60 illustrations illustration so and testimonials PLES black blackheads hands red ar rough 0 u gla chapped md and P I 1 M oily slun skin prevented by cu n cura SOAP isak 9 i af 15 colo re give t 1 I olo 0 ta V 31 icat T HEALTHFUL mi TE FOR TOOTH POWDER powdery I 1 KEEPS TEETH TEnC SWEET SWEE fc GUMS HEALTH HEALT Ilar R contacts CON S NO HO 0 A ACIO ID y Y NOR ANYTHING INJURIOUS Z 6 yf directions J erush BRUSH IN WATER woofs THE PRICE BOTTLE pur up EWI al a CO CC r or op HONTS GERMAN COLOGNE ono abert mere orl I 1 town far ma I 1 I 1 1 A anton drummer says ng n g that tills this lot of your Tuni Tain lUB stuls punch la 18 only u brit bait anil and that I 1 ciui can get no more vt of the same name quality for the price for no toting I 1 blin d d liou ie tabi bido aide of A dixons diona line can put tich stack into 1 n ac cigar find add live L ana 11 etli rann llla G GEO eo it winn maine addres C it IN 1 A 1 CO f agents 0 a coast 21 25 blair markt kalt brinit bri xit ban franciso S V N IT T sarif n no 06 0 ines ry a pound FURES uli ties nervous prostration Re bertou arrous headache 1 neuralgia nervous weakness stomach it and liver diseases rheumatism oya dys pe plod suad all 11 II att efter that two years 1 3 0 1 I was al duji xea el with ee zenta I 1 cannot tell lout ou what Isu I 1 reed suf ced I 1 wa abo most tor for lorn spectacle you a oica er raw caw charles charice kennedy of el this ibis place she showed ad nio me 3 your our yam pam ahlet on skin diseases and ranion anions them I 1 found fauna the description suitable to dinv inv my case I 1 bought tho the rEU Enin I 1 seven noven bottles avith tho the con cm c cra RA and sor SOAP and the hie result acs ics alt is ij a permanent cure I 1 thought I 1 would wait and ana see if ie it would come lack back but it has proved all you said eam it would d 3 6 so I 1 A v ill say cod bi eats you and yours N curs allos I 1 L GUAY 1 john J ciso casol A D S habinc practiced dentistry in tills this coultry for or thirty five ye years arsand and being well known to thousands with a i law la 0 kielp any who aro are as I 1 bave been lor for the rast lost twelve years testily testify that abe RM ams cured me 0 of psoriasis or scaly skin in light eight flays alter after tho the doctors with ft whom horn I 1 had con coa suited bulled gao ga 0 we no help or N J JOHN J CASI D D S the KEME have permanently cure cured d mo me ot of dandruff dand ruiC and facial eruptions hen all other remedies hal failed ailed for nine months my head bead has been entirely free from the that slightest signs til of dandruff dan droH and my skin is as clear dsuban as wann I 1 was a has bo LOU THOMPSON new britain conn U all DO sott sort white anil and free from chaps anil and by using SOAP I 1 prescribe and fal folly lyeal endorse we big u G as the tha only a cure I 1 TO a DATS ot 1 his disease a H ang RA HAM if D savo we amsterdam Amater dam N Y liby lb we have sold big el G C lor for many years and it boa baa alven elven the beat best of statia baua faction action a D K R DYCHE A CO chicago Clil ciro ill insl sold gold by druggists gaddy MAKING FOR PLEASURE OS OR PROFIT r ovar I ahing to 1 in a 11 bihl hk pleasant and per haSs profitable profi tabla can caa elcani a arn thear aba art 1 of 0 caudy taking at hoins bome and nl abile giving alivan C amusement to their friends and themselves da her they have a taste for or the work as ai a bust lift liem s and thereby make a fair living profit brorn ron a very small receipts ancl nil instructions ta in do de tail autH cieni for several Ilis for the tb maling of twelve arle ties and amply for berate amusement sent for one dollar tools boob be ba found in any kitchen Add GEO nommay J F ER OVAL ellis strat stall aau francisco ift 14 premiums Premi uma in use pianos 20 years ears now kow j patented steel tunina deuce ice in use lace lit in no nn other piano by chich our Pit arivs stand in fit tuno time 20 3 ears eare good tor fr not affected by climate no alood to spilt break swell ewell shrink crack decay or wear ear out we ue guarantee yua rantee jt it ele e Itose woud cases 3 double rop repealing eating action fittest finest iora ke lars a tho the famosi or it rite tor for catalo catalogue me free ree T 51 ANTISELL VIANO CO odd filos mar ket and sem nth streets soil san francisco over agn US F 5 a nv to be the largest farroat seeds men in n the tha world 21 flatry cos trip tive Irl cell L S SEED E E D ANNUAL ForI foriyes arin ill bo be waded FREE TO ALL 0 mm and aad api act t to 0 last m spawns cato morg without ordering ori lanng it invalid in a every p ersol EED 11 rot abr it andrt 0 M WEAK NERVES PA m s C POUTO is i a werra nerre conle which never rivals celery and co COCA those nerve it y cures cares all ater voLs disorders difior dur rheumatism paints COMPOUND purifies tho the blood it arices out tho lastlo acid which can calif red butt restores the blood Tn alLin to a healthy condition ills the tha truo true almedy for rheumatism KIDNEY complaints PAl PA siKe lantS Coar Comp odiD quickly restores tile livor and kidneys to jarl ct this curative cura tiTO power combined with its nerve tonics tonic mp recombined it it t the best remedy tor for all 11 kidney complaints DYSPEPSIA th fl tomah and traless the norvea nerves of tivo tive organs this Is 19 w b y it cured ON aea oil the ma worse cases of 0 Dys pepsi 1 constipation COMPOUND is 1 not a cathar UC lie action to the bo bowelet bobela fol iowa its use lie commended by and business men send for book prica frice sold bold hy by druggists WELLS richardson CO props burlington VT |