Show A HOUSE HORSE TRADE it not dot infrequently happens that a very insignificant and commonplace individual will by some soma unlooked unlocked for accident achieve notoriety it if not fame shining shiri Dg n m ith the ho luster iuster of a tin plate on oil which the sunlight chances to fall so it was with our unsophisticated friend sam dover the tha fame of liis ills exploit or rather the exploit of his horse wi iliam went abroad in thel land that is columbia county where ho be lived and though the figura he had cut in the affair lad bad been supremely ridiculous lie ho was the hero of the hour and his name became inextricably interwoven with local history any ambitious historian elio shall ever undertake to collect and edit the abuls annal 0 said cor illy will be doing a great wron wrong to posterity if lie lia neglect to give sam a conspicuous place anion among its celebrities to which he is as justly entitled as a many whose names are enrolled on oil tho the list of 0 those who have hav a won honorable mention in the worlds history though sam had gained nothing peati nearly by winning the rice race and had lost his horse he really falta felt a though he had somehow come out ahead tor for w m ito ho could tell but that the incident which at the tune time had made him most miserable might prove the first step toward a seat scat in the legislator or even in the direction of the gu verners char itself tile tho boys who had bal at it first laughed at the whole thin thing perceiving that the natives came from all parts lo 10 get a look at the man wat finned thet filet tace race down ter gusty began after a while to think he really deserved some credit tor for an affair to which lie he had lent no willing will ing hand sam had made his ledurn trip from augusta W ista riding double with one of his friends who kindly accommodated him hill with steerage passage on ills his horse ile he was a little the worse for liquor N when lien lie ho got hone home ho ne but managed inan aged to pass himself oil oft on his innocent old mother as a very much fatigued traveler whereupon she insisted upon its his taking a strong hot toddy anil and going go ng to bed which was just j the thing this deceitful son desired tho the most to do CIO an baul wat did yer do with yer hoss boss sammy the old lady wlady morning while the two w ero cro eating their breakfast 1 I rot got shot shet uv UT im maw 11 replied sam wat did yet git cit fur lm im 1 I got moren he muth said sam putting liis his hand in liis his pocket to finger what was left of 0 the 23 IMor moren eln he be ans said his mother then yer must or cr got a good figger tor for im fin fur yer allers said es cs lie he a prime hoss boss I 1 so ho be wils replied sam but yer see bee ho be had iome borne tricks no curin lini uv thinking of tho the glass eye that lie ho had carefully stowed away in a drawer up stairs then im glad got aliet him said the old lady hady perfectly satisfied during that period when he was suffering from the jokes and jibes of his boon companions sam had often expressed a desire to meet that feller larkins baying he would make big hi burned eyes bl ackern they it if lie be ever got the opportunity but when he really did meet him lie he had recovered from ill all hard feelings in and had beguhl to look 1001 upon the horbe trader somewhat in the light of a benefactor sam was riding a mule several miles from home when a sharp turn iu in the road brought him face to face with this same larkins the latter was mounted on it a black gelding whose coat shone liko like silk Il hello lello said baid sam thinking of tho the threats lie ho had made and a little taken aback good mornin stranger said larkins just as though he had never seen sam before vine weather fur 91 yer dont pear ter ri clec me said sam checking his steed well no replied larkins larking drawing rein likewise and peering curiously into the others liers ot face anyhow of ct I 1 lev hey over ever seed yer afore I 1 disremember but ther fact fac is I 1 aint much fur faces they bout all pears alike ter me yer nee im jest a lechle nirh sighted I 1 I 1 well dont yer ri clec elec that boss with glass class eyes yer stuck me with bout a yer igo iago A hoss boss with glass eyes repeated Lar larkins kiDs looking puzzled mean one or cr these here losses hoasea with white whito look in n eyes I 1 reel in theys s mos called wall eyed bosses I 1 never did like itte them hem t sort an all I 1 doul dont oliero I 1 ever owned ona due uv lem cm no said baid sam 1 I mean a glass eyed hoss boss a ablina boss wat blat hod glass eyes stuck inter his head t ver dont bayl fin an did yer git stuck on a hoss boss lil liko othet tact well tact was a cute trick berber bho 11 and larkins chuckled with great apparent enjoyment yer done it ye reet said eald sam beginning to get out of temper at tho the cool way in which the other ignored the transaction mel alel exclaimed larkins karklus Lar klus why yer dont mean to say yer think id cheat a man thet way do yer no stranger shaking his head slowly 1 I aint thet kin er man ive been a acalin in a bosses basses all my lay ue life but I 1 never was up ter r a trick like the t I 1 aint smart enough itrel I 1 tul yer fur a fac of ct I 1 ever soll sol yer a host I 1 dont bielic it yer iyer sell lim la wo we swapped but I 1 ree kin ferll ri bielec elec ther boss nami nam of c yer dont ri clec clice mo me debbo I 1 bought wat aus his name I 1 william hinry larkins taco face seemed suddenly to aj brighten with tho the light of remembrance and he extended his land band to ova sams a friendly shako yes ll 11 he bo said eaid 1 I does docs rl cIco that trade now low rn en how I 1 got stuck in it dut but oski a B no ill will a man mus tako take wrt wat iss in a hosa th Olit crumblin grum blin St stuck repeated sam in amazement 11 yes str stranger aulger I 1 was atuck bad bartin but cs I 1 said aid aboe I 1 bears no ill will thor ole ola chittur 5 or got oil off anter rao mo was cpa vired an no matter or cr count ll olor I 1 got rid on im fur cir little or cr nothing I 1 till tall yer fur ur a fac liia lie auth loiou moron lids bla side wain t f tell in ther tiiu tan yard 1 kah I siai sam ef ct he ha w spavined I 1 never knowel it an thet liosi I 1 got from you had gloss class eyes cs I 1 tolo tole yer they dropped right ouan his acal yer dont say ejaculated tho the 0 other th or with a look of astonishment well ave 11 I 1 declark de clarl claIrl ter think how long I 1 hod t thet hot hoss boss an all never fonn that out 3 or cr know now lie ho stone bline know it why of course I 1 ld Vil nt I 1 I 1 allers far fair an squar sauarl in ill my deakins dea deall lins ns an of e id knowel thet loss boss blind and lied glass acs aliey burus lookin eyes I 1 ri clec id er ruther cut my throat then cr traded lum um es a soun thoss et EC I 1 will mus a swarm man I 1 do it 1 lechle cussin cussia 1 right now on oil count or cr ther feller feler wat sole um nm ter me but how did flu fiu it out anyhow sun sam then belated lel ted his experience on tho the race course taking considerable credit to himself though lie he knew he was entitled to none and larkins laug laughed until the tears ran down his brown cheeks checks wat dyer tb think aik of 0 this here boss im on noirl now asked larkins well lie he looks like ho he dought be a tolerable tole ralle good crit chittur tur said sale sam but bat lie ho aint got but one eye ef I 1 ri elects right replied Lor larkins borkins kins but its been so long thet bobbe ive forgot fergot the liess loss I 1 got from you liev but one eye an I 1 kin tell yer thet tact his leaotes lea stes fault 1 I dont min thet so much said sam poking his switch close to the horses r eye te cind and making him blink a hoss boss with one good ene ee is battern bet tern a hoss with two glass ones wat ho he cant see ouan thetis so iw fur a fac said larkins an this here hoss boss lies got a good eye as idu seo see fur 11 will im fur this here mule asked sam wat even yes ther mules got two gool good eyes an all thet ou ilter make it even yer think hinkso so lem acm me abc tell yer I 1 have been a lookin et t thet h et mules eyes an shell be stone bline in three fur a fact fac 11 howd yer er know thet athars signs yer see you dont know lothin bout em cm but I 1 does es cs does evary man wat lies h bed ed ter do I 1 0 wit with h losses bosses an mules es long epi ed les lea wats signs well I 1 jis tell yer A teller feller lies hes ter parn tern em by yer see sam sat silently contemplating the black horse a longing lougia eye for sonic some time then lie he said since yer wont even tell me wat walt yer will do larkins pushed his bt tot up and scratched his head while vl lUo ho be app apperea ered to earnestly consider the tha matter ill tell yer wat ill do he be said slowly after a tow few minutes occupied in this way since wese wesa olo ole friens ariens fri ens es cs yer bought say au all lies hod deall ns afore ill let yer aeve this boss fur ther mule an dollars dollars exclaimed saul sam pears like er stick me agin stick yer why shake alive mani man taus me was stuck in trade sam got down clown and examined the horse looking in his hh mouth in his one eye and giving his tall tail a jerk seeming to tear fear that there might be something deceptive in that beautiful black appendage oil oh lies hes all right said larkins larking aint no glass eyes nor bothin er that sort bout im 11 how ole ola is he be asked sam well I 1 hes over ten yer 1 I 1 reply 1 I spose that mule now aint twenty but yer cant tell bothin bout a mule ho he bought bo be ton ten ur he bought be ba a honderd hun derd an yer know thor ther de frence A mules a mule an derive got cot ter take lim im an cs yer bought say ill tell yer wat ill do said sim sam ill give yer ther mulo mule an 10 an therb far enough IL oil oh come now said larkins w wanter astick liter stick me agin 11 stick yet berber sho yer does docs this here hoss boss 13 two sich mules es thet an yer knows it fur 3 or cr aint no fool wen it comes ter bosses losses I 1 knows thet but how howsoever sever van I 1 begins it a trade I 1 aint one ter be run off by a ur a so BO ill attick t ick ther mule an 13 au an ther boss is biourn 11 after it a little consideration sam taking the mans mails word for or it i and believing he really had beat him la in it a horse trade before slipped his hand into his pocket and drew dren out a roll of bills bilis which ho counted over aint but 14 hyer byer 11 ho he said an thet sall ill ive got oh well said larkins larains Lar hins as aal I 1 said afore I 1 aint ono one ter ha be run ofila a trade by a 0 ur a severi pence cut I 1 aint i a gow goin ter stan on a doll or auther so boita its a trade and dismounting lo ho took awl the saddle off the borzo cad laid it on oa tho the around tho the change of eema end cud bridles was coon made and sain sa i landed tile the money over to larkins who shoved it into his pocket without cout ng it when the avro tv 0 rodo rode off in differ crt laridis lookin looking over his shoulder lie had gono gone a little way to call out im afraid youve done clone stuck ino again ca an this hero here cradin is a goia coial to ter ria no me yet but I 1 cant liel iu 11 sam rodo alon pondering over tho little transaction in fit v hica ho ha and 1 d jast beca on caged ile he h luid had ad a ov cv cicil in lna haud hand end and give gave ills ua n nn n ice i 1 c ce ao a charp chiai p cut rith it which eci coo j 1 vo va about abo it ar 3 c hilarah las ing C ca 1 effect oa 01 him blu as it laight havo had bad on oil a i ai darn edurn boss loss abil sri sam laying on oil the switch two to or taice times lind and flud finding ingro the animal didn dian t crickon crick cn his gatt gait hes the craw linest chittur 1 I ever seed I 1 I 1 thou then he be began to alili tl ili that aliat perhaps lio lie stuck so badly in ill this last ast trado trade the mule lie ho had parted with as the best animal they thay had on talo alio farm end a good mule mula is 13 better than an ladal crent horse though a vain man may not like the teed ho he be strides to have hava so much cars ind and so attic tall tail as the former la 13 generally blessed with v ith 1 however ho he rodo on to the vil Liae tavern where ho found some of ills his crelli cronies es idling idu g about I fello sam said one of them got another gloss glass eyed boss ile iio replied sam but a good ono one well hes a right rico nice lookin chittur crit tur anyhow said another tin au lios hos es cs elick blick au an shiny as a greasy nig zer git down banian Sa sam nian an les havo some fun sm sam dismounted and tied his horse horsa to tuo the rack and the young men went into the tavern where the sounds of much merriment were soon heard there had been signs of coming coining rain since the early morning and the were making it lively within doors pluvus commenced to pour down ilia showers without find and the horse which sam had forgotten all about sto stood odwith with ills hia head lov bon ed cd patiently taking tailing what the god sent until it ceased ahen he be shook himself and looked wistfully with his one eye toward the tavern door by and by one of 0 the noisy crowd looked out nello Iello I lie he said mid its been a ran rana n til ill a hard i the next instant he called out ont to sant come here sam he aler mutter matter with yer hos hogs 4 sam came to the dour door 4 that aint my hoss boss ho he said looking lookia at the animal tied to the rack the black black horse had changed ills his color and was now it a dirty red but whar is my hoss boss durn burn some fellers been here an stole my boss an left that chittur crit tur turl and then im sorry to record it that good boy sam dover said some very bad words and in front of the horse as the depre nta tive of the supposed thief shook his hia lt i st in fit lis his face but ho he had hardly done when ho he started back by this time all the company within bic tavern lind had assembled at the door walts ther matter sa sam wa asked aske one wilts wats come er yer black hoss boss said another but sam said not a word lie ile stood looking in ill the horses face find and ills his questioners came out and did the same well ill be burned said one of them ole zeke come back sure es ea I 1 im m a livin 11 olo said another nn other yes thiefs taets him ter jer shot sho it is said sam art an id like ter tin fin ther feller wat brought lim im litre here an tuck ray my black liess 11 T wat pat duld 3 er do sam id give lim im thir dur nedis aickin yer ever seed a man git cit I 1 I 1 well I 1 dunno of cf yer able but yer km hin jis pitch in an try of cf yer kin lick 1 erseg cr bo be bout an even fight I 1 an I 1 wont bet on nary one uv yer sara sam looked at the speaker in a bew bewildered 1 way wat do yer mean pete he asked jes this here thet ther boss yer tied yer solf ther rains kalns jis washed tiler ther paint offen im ill ail looka look a here and pete rubbed his hand in the horse s mine mane sam was sabit flad with the result of this and in refusing to answer any questions mounted zeke and rodo toward home making a mental calculation as to the thial outcome or rather outgo of his speculations in hors bors ellesh ile ho tried to persuade himself thac lie ho had done i cry well I 1 to get steady old zeke back notwithstanding the aftin result of hta his calculations which resolved themselves into about this form old zeke 25 william william liam illary breath of life 0 25 and I 1 two glass eyes carried over one mule 11 old zeke which always left sam one mule 14 anyway any way he could fix it with au an actual gain of two glass eyes that ie I e had no earthly use usa tor for unless ho he should bestow one of them on zeke who would probably it i consulted beg to be excused stobert boggs in new orleans tines times democrat |