Show prophylactic in ILL knes typhoid oid fever has bass broken out here again but wherever dalbys prophylactic F fluid luid has been freely used there has been no feaver M B LANCASTER LANCASTE 11 P ed central alabamian the fluid is not merely a daoa orizon but a disinfectant a destroyer of the disease germs in in an ataop atmosphere ere which cannot bo be breathed without danger NEW YORK effi rost POST ft nun i r n i lag arnica asnive thic THE BEST SALVE in the world for cuts bruises sores sore ulcers salt rheum fever sores tetter cha chapped edmands hands corns and a all skin and positively cures pilos piles or no pay required it is guaranteed to live give perfect satisfaction or money refunded price 25 cents per box FOR FOB SALE ay Y a 1 1 M A a BOOK 0 0 r abit V 1 I a m TER M 3 A tent I 1 who have hal should wr us maln in ALF in posts I 1 car anaias anai anaw ps ot of b in d dlo to number so alil d in what tema wh whit it torr rec elVell I 1 abt ehtan n t f 4 us U pla md and kotter rn rew and acil fao ia no 0 kf ST qt LO ba 0 at li tt 0 0 pr cs 02 I 1 r LU ysa ess rm t 3 C ct 3 ess er t 4 L 0 s DUE DOE c LS KERSEY 1 is SHEETING HE k eta 1 arzo BUCKETS AI M 0 furl N H I 1 E le a in exchange for 11 wool cash or produce parties desiring goods good s would do well to D I 1 call all upon L us before purchasing sing b else elsewhere A SIS VT super superintendent dent k ra rn a M 1 J pi agn W r f F M fr a up 0 has in stock an immense line of DRESS D aa S GO GOODS L j A ADI D IE sa S na IT MI L L A R sc unc ve also carry a splendid stock of gents N d IV M CL U p f U id ladles gt auts ri lasses and i 0 f da T ES and a n d arn srn fu 1 I ur E 7 1 S we always keep on cu hand band a complete stack of m 77 mi M Vs acy SaSSa Sy US R az P all na i e z i e e ni s i v re are A tv C ac ako tko 1 S M SZ ME M M Z 1 M r 1 with 1001 other useful things too nume icus to 10 mention no clad rl V rw I 1 I 1 7 I 1 DEALER I 1 IN N n e F a a e 2 a 67 6 7 ar q he aw maws ies 9 0 92 0 8 9 afi B al AI W L iu in the neatest stil s on oa lh amz ie terms main ham street banti anti mall p 0 BOX 9 DISEASE impossible yes utterly tit terly impossible when all malarial poisons are driven ut at OP the system leaving the blood new rich and pure no pi fo r erupt eruptions i ons ulcers or rheumatism when all blood taint lias has been e adl adr bated by the use of BRO BROWNS WITS sarsaparilla and dandelion with iodide of potassium thousands of among long them the best druggists and physicians ns wonderful cures wrought by BROWNS sarsaparilla all diseases of aho fh blood liver and kidneys use only the E medicines |