Show felegi telegraphic aphia KINGSTON july 2 in co connection with the celebration of tile the canadian federation a frightful accident occurred while lethe the fireworks display was in pro progress gress here last evening a hugs buyo 1 rocket rock etwas was being sent off when the stick broke and the missile with terrible force shooting downward struck joseph al thompson pr president eident of the kingston ivingston typographical euion I 1 and almost decapitated him birn ilia whole neck was torri torn away and from the explosion ex that followed his breast was fg f rightfully mangled ten thon franr r t rj i sev several e r other person had narrow es LONDON july 2 over one ona linn bun dred english scotch and welsh members of the house housa Commons of si signed ned a memorial ial to the president dentandt and congress of tile the united states in favor of referring all anglo american disputes to arbitration for settlement it is probable a deputation of members of kofl the house of commons will be sent to washington to present the memorial meni me orial norial to tc cleveland Cl evelind ClEv rLAND july 2nd and nearly people hezle were poisoned at amboy ohi ohio by Y batin eating 1 ice cream at a church sociable ac none of them are dangerously ill physicians aro are unable to explain the presence pre pru sanca sence of poison in the cream CHICAGO july jilly I 1 A sensation sen gation was caused this afternoon by the information that a i dynamite it e bomb with a fuse burned within a quarter of an inch of the had bad been found by judge k baker under his desk in tho criminal court building judge baker presides in a room where the anarchists were con defiled believing there had been an attempt to des destroy the bail dino 0 and those in it lic ho gave the missile tor to his bailiff with strict injunctions of secrecy tonight to night the story was robbed of its ecat bensa sa dional features fey tures by the announcement at via that 11 the lomb bomb is only a relic of and had been lying around tile lisa court ever since the great gre attrial trial loaded |