Show Corpora td manlis ot or beaver city yr mr T C baily general I 1 land ind agent nt at salt lako writes us as 19 follows follme b please publish for tile information of your patrons patrona that the cot commissioner iniss ioner of the general land office lias has confirmed the beaver cit city y town aita entry so eo as to embrace tile fullow following inn described land viz tilt th sa s1 of S W i see 15 N W 1 and N A 4 of S AV i see sec 22 N I 1 of S K E J N A of 0 IV i N E i and N X NV 1 see sec 21 N 1 9 E i and N E J sec 20 f S 1 or S E J fcc 17 S is swa JI J and S js S V H i see sec ag T 39 09 S R 71 7 W the balance of tho land which was or is now eni embraced braced it in til th 0 91 corporate limits of beaver city and lying t outside of the town sito entry is d declared open apen to entry by tile commissioner and all persons whose entries have lave been suspended on account of the settlement of tile alio town sito question will now he be acted upon in due course of and those who have lave not made inalle their final entries can call do so as soon as they are arc r ready r ady to 1 make n ak e final proof I 1 refer them to jolin john ward chris tian of your city for further in in formation formati on |