Show AERATED BREAD of dirt hettis the tooth of time did any of tho women who read this ever inako a loaf of aerated bread I 1 did once during my first housekeeping days the problem how to make good bread was a harder ono for mo to solve alian any in algebra had ever been 1 world get a little yeast of this neighbor alion of eliat and ak every housewife I 1 met how ac inada bread I 1 tried first ono then another baill mv would bu black aud bogey ao 00 y I 1 picked up a paper and oh joyl I 1 saw a new way sure to bring alic desired result carta in quantities of hour wann water and salt simply tin so and more into dough and then kneaded according tn a process so ninny minutes by alio clock so eliat air bubbles would become incorporated with the maa of dough ten minutes later 1 was busy compounding aliat aja to bo a snowy loaf of the lightest sweetest bread upon our table ay iy husband biad been so patient with my many failures and when alio hattu ot life was too poor to be at all palatable had even apologized for eating so little of it by saying 1 I do not anro much for bread anyhow I 1 was overjoyed to aliu glorious surprise in for him 1 followed the minutest direction and a final pu upon alio smooth bair faco placed my precious loit withie tho heated oven I 1 look a peep 0 horror instead of rising to promise it was out like a pancake pan cake I 1 baked it tho nl lotch time and llian removed it from oran 1 sadder and n wiser woman I 1 did not wint uriah to think mo wasteful neither did I 1 liim to laugh at my queer sample of hard tack 0 o after a little spell of weeping I 1 con nencil it to lie s hoping llroy 1 would reduce it to but I oon saw it would not burn floii I 1 put it in the swill pail it would soak up into food for tho unsuspecting pig but eliat nindo no impression upon it cither just as I 1 discovered till I 1 heard my bos binds footsteps so h istah a window I 1 plunged it into a snow drift beneath in time I 1 forgot all about it but months later uri ih ami I 1 were walking through yard admiring alio budding trees and enjoying ho sweet spring breeze when I 1 spied my loaf of bicad and it had raised at last alie influence of snow and cetru cold it had expanded into proportions truly wonderful it looked an though at acau a of a barrel of been used in its composition hastily tt upping over to alio rido nearest the window I 1 called my husbands hus bandh attention lo 10 a ii nging bird in a tall treetop and thus we passed natch by without my bread being seen by him he was more olt to his work I 1 dug a hole in ahn garden and buried tho loaf fear and trembling ical it would be spaded up when began since leaving thai place I 1 hac watched tho thinking it would be discovered and sold to come museum as a relic of great showing bo peculiar kind of food used byan extinct raco of people in former agy to F 19 sun |