Show SELECTION OF LAND otology n oulion lo 10 alir of soil in choosing land for agricultural pur poses it is very unsafe for the farmer to be guided by any loose notions of tho geological of the locality geology ia tah rc and for alti i nc it one of those things of which a little knowledge is dangerous there arc few places where the overlying soil hai been derived from tho breaking down of the underlying and out cropping rock ami these can bo acu clad by an expert and minera loput generally tho soil is malo up of which have boan brought from distant places by alic force of gruitt bool of water or vait badiea of fee and have been over the sur taco and moved back and forth in much the same manner but to a much extent an wo ceo bow it ii onay where the rocks he near tho surface and in the most ancient yc as in northern michigan eastern canada and nil along thyallo aghany dangca a far south aji alabama that thi primativo condition of thu soil chiu Uw here the character of the of iho neighborhood can not bo taken an n guide to the of tho fol N I 1 |