Show PURGED OF CONTEMPT A teutonic who will lf cl talent litz a ganaan butcher ia central was recently iu by lie grand jury of his county for profane swearing upon the public highway in the presence of two or more it that lie was driving a lot 0 cottlo and they became donily and took 40 ho woods and it was while lie was trying to pet them back into tho road that bo loat bis temper and pare utterance to a lot of cua conlo when tho cao came on for trial ho appeared a his own counsel ind admitted that bo had dmd tho oatha ns charged but justified himself on the score that the cattle were his own broj erty and argued that if ho had the right to kill hem ho certainly had the right to curmi hut lils honor look at it in that and after reprimanding him him one dollar and coils in all about dollars 1 I tont bay it said hanri mr clerk said hl i honor enter up a aioo of falc dollars adint the for contempt of court and mr sheriff remand tho prisoner to jail until tho tino and costs in both case aro paid I 1 appeals der gaso to aci bourt di hh a gourmand gour tand gundry vot dond led a man CUM bl own mr clerk enter up another fine of cco dollars the for contempt of court aftan said his honor ily that limo iho sheriff hd got out of the court room and a deputy was taking him to jail aho judge sent won to him the next morning that it be would purge him elf of contempt ho would remit all tho except the original one alenri to tho proposition and after some from tho sheriff who told him ho had made a mistake in not employing a lawyer pre himself at the bar cf the court ald hf 1 I jakc nm all ack ln la a goodgo urt und a good goundry go andry und der nex dime I 1 mil acm I 1 bay a laejer to dr ree arcs tho labeit tn bat lining I 1 map of tho city printed on 0 o that any or gay joung fellow may bad ahli wy kom button com |