Show MAXWELL IN COURT the rot pond retarn ol 01 noonan lie jmj II 11 gnei counci th elul to e alie roo annea A lawyer CT louis mo nio preliminary examination 0 the alleged murderer 0 wa set for this morning in ot criminal correction no was heard however and the case vt a continued on motion ot tho state jn csc fauntleroy Fauntl croy owlie to his with the prisoners attorney abeln from hearing tho cane anil it any preliminary examination takes alif it will have to be after the return 0 jwuc Noo iian kiy that time it li that attic grand jury trill avo culprit thus doing away ath hc of nn cx pk bif u u i 11 lac 0 i nah r MJ ilic rush to atall ills reception yesterday was not M largo in number nl wednesday bat this ans tho jiller to fathom the motives ot ia large number 0 and barred them out without further ado nearly A score ot ladles but as 11 was not day the fair ones were doomed to alap aboy acro politely to call saturday when a resu lor irell be gian tho maxwell matinee will doubtless income a ol 01 jail llo received a number of in lc shape of food and money ills mall ln many 0 comins from and sentimental ivohn uc the whole day but the subject as as possible ito claims to nave considerable muil cal and rayj the bulc Is bis divor ditc itc instrument lie was asked what had become of iho trunk he had brought from kugland as the one lie had at abo southern corpse in it WM an mada trunk lie refused to answer and to tho question he meant by yo perish alc ho walh a altaic circuit attorney clover and ills resistant si stant mr Al cDonald have mide nr tor abc of tho trunk held ut port huron alch tor customs duties the trunk was shipped west by previous to leaving toronto aud lias been held at bort huron since the murder has iho liberty of the jail ro laudi and his im j abo desk with bc guards ahon visitors nrc chairs arc broucht from alic veils aal placed a lew feet the the puardy consi csato tho Is asked very politely to ill down by ll axwell nud 1 in bla lurler aoud not bo moro courteous if laps ho will a subject iu such 11 way tant it lie id 1 I intend to laivo a full and ft ce conversation roy attorney I 1 am flonc I 1 need advice when I 1 get it anil think over it 1 will iho world the whole alory in 0 alic curiosity that seemed to be lio said 1 dout caro for 11 bot affect me it wis not fio in auckland because the people were not allowed to inu aut I 1 alt perfectly indifferent to it in gaii francisco where 1 it mr donaa who aaa him day yesterday been sent for as a partner ot judo krum by maxwell bald ilo me in manner very buchol anton aboin I 1 defended ft few yeara no 1 bo constant changing of the subject ot con vcr rallon tin shilling ol 01 iho eye and tho of manner arc all like was insane 1 believe that from maxwelll maxwells Max wells history his case Is this lie wa once steady led a mulct studious alte but from dissipation bo has impaired what was a mind think of his ceoric alter bo left the So sio man it lie wanted to his whereabouts could lac done so better than lie did ills talk to tho waller al the kill ina ats pitk on the cam al RO to chow thil he did not fully nealise realise his this may have como from but it could have hardly kept up all iho way to san francisco unan mr jonas acut lo 10 sec maxwell ho was taken in by chief did nut or pretended not to know the chief whom ho has many times bance his arrival mr jonas ra to ibis and eald 1 I bellevo ho was sincere in not iho chief lie certainly appeared tho calca had to himself |