Show A tho traelic story of two sharrod livors ditc itc was onla a poor artist she was an opera singer playing a long in ono of alio popular theaters of a cicat city alio was admired petted hinl spoiled was the recipient of faiuu presents and biad only to smile to bring chri to her feet ho lodged and toiled in tho g of a miserable tenement in a crowded portion ot tho metropolis ho ato lie did only about six times during a week at a cheap restaurant ho had no but lio had a puro soul and a noble heart ho had genius too but people were slow to it and 0 o ho had to starve and fronzo and go without decent clothe in consequence ho was a remarkably handsome man and to those lio liked could be very charming he was engaged on a picture that when finished donld bring him both f duio and fortune A certain art firm very popular with the fashionable world had seen some of this artists work and acro quick to recognize the merit in it and biad engaged him to paint a picture for for which they had contracted to pay a fabulous price aad alio picture was nearly complete poor as lie was he always managed to attend the opera ally since Bord cloa had been playing this bordelon Bord clon was an uncommonly pretty woman small but graceful as a swan aud the glorious golden hair that fell down and around clustering curls had stirred many a masculine heart with tho tiro of love her ores acro alio auit beautiful ever tat in a woman s licad so largo and tender and brown so changeful in so bewitching always As we ahmo hmo said her admirers were legion all kinds conditions anil classes bowed in willing homage at her feet lovers to she had rich aristocratic to and proud A thorough starin the theatrical firmament she was born for that and that alono nightly she held glicr vast audiences pell bound with a voicu like an angel she would draw tears from alic inot her reign was imperial the country far and near with her name presents miles aye aud were showered her but with nil her marvelous marv clous her heart remained puro and her soul unsullied tho poor arlit loved her when abc first appeared before h nu in 0 tho toot lights with nuovo ho hail never experienced before A had gone by and alio was still playing and his lovo all tho time ho always occupied the aado remote scat in the crowded theater and he failed icv cr 0 o send alio beautiful actress a bunch of blue eyed inspired with lier beauty and hia love lie was painting tho that was to bring him a fortune touched so dih from the oilier gifts that were showered upon her had f fathomed out lio donor and a alio observed him nightly in liis lonely scat glicr bicart went out to him something liko pity but one night as abo wat clied hini with his face all aglow with love and far than any human being she biad ever soan jhc thc feeling of pity was to lovo they arc fro near akin this wai the beginning it was not hard to cucca clial which two loving hearts ao desired and alio brilliant and popular actress and the almost unknown and hemblo artist met and exchanged vows of eternal locc nightly would lie escort her to glicr sumptuous brilliant of alio llio great gay city ono by ono suitors acro rejected and their costly of lovo returned all tho city wondered and many moncue ton cue acro ct a wigging lit ami calestino Cal cared for tho and candal they knew that they loved each other and eliat the love was pure the poor artist raised to alic of worked with an inspired brush ami day by daiy diy alio wonderful picture that was to bring him fame ami happiness grew only ono more week of labor lay between him and nl this ilia with locc imps eyes aavo him sweet encourage the minutes lengthened anlo hour the hoim into days und the days anto a week and at lau la U the painter pronounced his work complete with a gigli ot infinite and relief ho lid his g aud pa aldo now was his with poverty it au ui fui f tho eliat hn had so long cov cUd but hoped to gain was within his grap gra p how lio world looked how brightly the sun and liow sweet alio birds sang all As lio gazed liis beautiful picture of joy coursed down his cheeks his heart swelled with pride and a prayer of ascended to from his moving ftp when night nt last iho world within her sable arms and alio lighted lamps of the city gleamed liko so maicy stare the artist tallied forth to alio and took his accustomed scat never was such a crowd packed within alio spacious hall before cele bordelon closed on hit night and glicr friends of nil classes had to honor her alio orchestra sounded tho wa raised and Col cAtine in all her dazzling elit beauty stepped upon UK stage As she razed on alio llio miny upturned faces her heart thrilled with ii happiness alio lind felt alio face of her lover turned upon lier from his distant scat dillrd glicr a now enthusiasm and sho sang as lio liall never sane before hark what sound is eliat that interrupts the SOUK upon the singers lips and causes every to ll clinch inch and every bicart to stand still with suddah error it is a voice telling in alarmed ones that alic theater is ou lire alio boico chac and then tin panic breaks every avenue of escape is assailed great strong men in their agony of fear dah weak women and children to the ground and trample upon wires relatives anil friends aru nothing now every lift ii for itself tho red liro of alio alanie i iho grout of smothering smoke creams of alio women anil lio hoarse chirse i of alic mon lio groins if alio injured tho cries of elioso cn to and rescue mako a and heart ending fcc ie in all this confusion and distress is alio lio is wilh kinoko gramc il fica nd littered clot liing eliat ild terror inan to the arning building one of alio birst to alio liim lf he lias re turned again aind again to aid those mho could not aid themselves at last all arc saved nud he turns to if ha is among alio no she Is not there ami no one in the mighty crowd can tell him might of her A chill envelopes his heart n terrible takes posses ion of his brain surely she can not but listen that terrible ft comans womans scream 0 mortal agony borno shrill and piercing to alio artists cir and cailin the blood to turn bliku liku ice in his swollen veins looking upward in the direction of tho cries at 1 window 0 alio burning bu in rounded by crackling hams lie sees llor dalon her hands and calling for help tho basli of alic window is down and tho poor girl in glicr terror has not the strength to raise it even had she it would her none ai leave die in alio namoi as to bo dashed to death on the stony for an instant ho multitude looking on froni below is silent and then n mighty shout arise something amit bo done to saro the perishing woman and that quickly it is a d undertaking already alio walls of alio building arc shaking and iho llamba grow and lio will risk his life to save yonder bomin wo min sonio ono shouts but hero is no timo given for answer for luciano lo 10 steps from tho crowd with compressed lips and determined ter mined face ami taking a ladder that is lying near lio plants it against the trembling wall sees him and her heart grows stronger but when eho acar s alic well known voica shout up to glicr itaco courage darling I 1 will save oa her noreca grow strong as steel slowly step by step docs alio heroic artist toil upward everything depends upon tho utmost care again tho crowd s silent every lip is moving in or iho success of alio artist higher and higher ho goca angrier and angrier gaws tho fire alio great ineil ling is now vast sheet of llamo which roars liko ton thousand demons turned booc from alic infernal regions ow luciano hs reached it is but alio work of a moment for him to tear tho sash of glass ciway and stretch out liin arms anil the trembling girl whispering n in her car lio clasps her firmly and begins his tortuous tortu ou cerili ous alio walls tremble and shako liucc pieces of burning timber fill about him volumes of smoke burau around him almost cring liiro silently lie prays to alio god lio lias always trusted in to lend him his precious burden safely to alic ground lifo lias jut beconi is ot alm to liim tho future looks ho redolent with hope and chappine ft indeed it would bo to die now slowly oil so slowly ho toils down ward with his lovely burden to tin anxious crowd every an ago 0 lio will soon reach alie ground only a little space lies ta him ind safety no sound is heard save alic roaring of alio dames and tho hacking of the aoa of tho on alio adjoining merciful heaven the wall against which tho ladder is mom and more and is bending outward tho limbed expectant multitude now real ro eliat tins descending couple aro doomed to decalli A smothered cry briaka tho stillness followed by a tremendous crash and lie quaking walls part and fall forward a cloud of dust and black smoke lly upward mid luciano lo 10 govro and celistino borac lon dis apcar forever from life act morning abid black aneil borms torms acro taken from alio llio ruins of alio llio building ami gently borno by tender fiands to the cites lovely churchyard church yard and laid to rest in one common grave tho artists famous was bold and the proceeds mod to purchase a monument which discs walto and grand at the head of iho basl ng of tho ill pair and talf the tragic story of kor alio llio famous opera singer and lu cicic lo 10 tho hen S il sonin courier journal 1 I sald ho lady eyeing bouvo got it mum replied tho waiter hut what makes it look so pule s alz buiu wn up cant all ord to cm any for tho money mi the lady you dont mean to ay that you color your cream cochineal at alio llio fashionable places I 1 am used to guing they never uw anything but dyo its of course but it is so lovely iiii ton transcript alio potato introduced nto england in was drat oaten as a cat il in ack wino |