Show TOPICS tho news in brief AND roii returns froni abo election indicate eliat majority hlll rc max complete returns from aty alno counties which in ronilo heavy democratic ones alvo liidi 11 partial from abo remaining counties eli 0 hain III will not bolah than alo lower bouse Is close now have M ho opposition 41 or ibo avo abo will get throe tho Benito now standi republicans 37 opposition 8 5 AN attempt was made by a man nw kwlly Lly 0 til of honto domingo nt tho president Pren ident hot ills dead abo would bo hod no accomplices ON alic lelh attorney general isicc returned to and was on alty alic president and all tho members of tho cabinet anro now at alio capital has appointed den butterworth commissioner of patents alco K ai marble lias been ly acar admiral J M li alltz U S N to bo on tho retired list under llie forty ye arg service provision I bild tho new gov canior of canada and difo havo for annada IT is il aliat sanor sati Sg ti i fully with abo list sp biumi in ho explains alio friendly and cardinl untiring eing liy primo ferry tho alfonso incident is luiei conald arid nl nn end WHEN 0 it is understood that oan llano ock will lacut oen dan in command of alio division of missouri maj gan ropo will in command 0 abo division ot the east and maj gan ivill remain in command of alio division of tho iacino Ia cinc iris tho opinion of judge advocate swaim that the president will soon pardon for shooting altho assassin abe record of tho ivar depart show that the applications for masons release form abo petition mor presented on any in tho history of tho united i the chich anro from avory santo anil mom alian lelm lW lM nning ox tho I 1 th alic of alio corcan embassy called at tho jikuo in byll court dross and ook formal leavo of tho president attended by all members of alio ciblatt alio iii do ny s tun scientist prof J died nt hia in louisville ky on tho of diabetes ho 0 native of S C lorn tn and graduated at the university of virginia IT 15 reported tho in ohio was defeated liy ly WW ON alic hah ilav 1 U cr of 1 V chuilli Chui cli alij wax ibshop of indiana nt N of st alio pacer johnston tor NW alio horte bitely paced a anllo in on alio llio chicago track tilt comm indar of the danish arctic cruiser is tho nian who so predicted be abandoned and hero her crew would land ON ibo nimit of alic ielli mrs fanny kotlier of ex ap arnor of eliodo Is lanil died at gralon conn aard fohir ON alio llio canin of abc l alli sir arrived in how york by tho gleam cr IN llo ton on tho alth allart and acro each ineil 0 fur ji lottery abo inella J II 11 giai assumed control of tho lyceum theater lo 10 to bolm B crai ico tho comedian ON alio thomas on a charge of absconding from chicago with funds of the bricklayers Irick layers union of lie was wag turned over in yew vork to chicago 1 of new york in chicago in proceedings growing butof ho in abo baale ars on york has to abo custody of tho court of albany tin mind irvin bishop hiroko blown in dumin recently onil has of tho bruin of aros alo clothier bew york and tjan fi in announced ir is announced that the now spanish of war will not displace any generals but that vacancies will IM filled by fiends of serrano ON tho the court of the united rendered a by handley declaring abo civil nighta law palmed in clr cases tn point involved tho right of colored to equal accommodations in hotels in car in railway trains and in the dross circle in theater ASH IN lyons france on the a mob of poured a bucket of over a and et him on ire the man was terribly cairned lair ned the mob afterward to anro the 0 the municipality A letten named georgo G ailant of joramy city was arrested on the uth for teall ng money froni atter lt ter G W a at las vega new mexico caught his toot in a frog on the alth and could not remove it in time to avoid n train which killed him 0 the night of the uth albert wood fl Mi on lb bt paul ft omaha road was killed in the yards at neb I 1 indianapolis on the hany jobob a clergy mans leman for a was for ox tho colonel vanderpool a well known utah ranch rr was killed A blind calf winnins in front of ills dioro and throwing alio animal which crushed ann in its fall ON alio 1 lah a and coil train collided benr heading He iding rn finas bing n dozen cars nobody hurt A galo occurred oil 1110 coast among alio arc two ot her majca f i ships ox alic cal charles union was in new york on n cani KO 0 attempting to negotiate two 1000 ocean bonds lately stolen from 0 0 ali the of LI province Pro vinco vl spain was inundated sixteen lobos acio destroyed and over borly liias lost 0 s ilio of alio lbrown n farmer ang near indianapolis anil hii body placed on the rail roal track TUB manager of alio talc abom kiy at lincoln A V hlundell inn w ich ill ot tho comp anyn funds ho la supposed to bo on his way to england Os the 1 jtb lie top of n grand trunk locomotive bleu 61 itt yarmouth sic it weighed a ton anil a quarter of a m ilo away H annio cai iscil by n falc alarm ol 01 ahre ilumin sr vico in 1 jewish synagogue in on alie forty A namgil niiles cimpl an years oen in a on the 1 ith andas to answer charges in cincinnati acon anil jacob ladd leavo lioon arr toJ for alio murder of ada atkaln son in In dinni and it would appear that a right duo lias lieen AT rort an arnce iclal bands alio city tho stores sc t anro to tho houses and murdered all resisting among tho lifler two finally the A edward collin linart by a streetcar street car in criston lately as awarded 51 00 on tho for injuries received ON alic charles II 11 cooko a boy ft who loat in a new york manufactory obtained dam adf tilt french budget nc cordin to ic liott n deficit 0 tho of propose to cover by reduction of governmental foit annal 1883 the value of cx port f af petroleum and petroleum products waa 12 J against aho 3 HO for tho iia li m tam 11 var cd 31 am SO 1773 timo in ass till pints on her recent from to now york collided and sunk a brig tor which tho government will probably bo called epou to pay navy think it is n pity that th e cinta blink instead of tho brie ll rooklyn held n meeting on alio alili and nain not to sell tho new york tar less than cents IT was decided by tho bag who mot in now york on the eliat thoro was avci of thein goods and to moke only a quantity year ini of linin closed ita autumn meeting on tho in new york tho boxt mooting will probably ba held in cincinnati in february ANOni Kit telephone combination has been formed tho Tle company of new york absorbing tho shaw of chicago Os the sn ilio episcopal convention at philadelphia n report was mad adverse to alio erection of ilio ilio cese of wet Is yew york on the in hie anso of duvid daiil to test hie constitutionality of an act making cigars in lious cg n writ of habeas corpus was refused anil tho prisoner remanded evangelical conference opened its Ress lonc at allentown ia on tho A is recently in germany for sketching tho forts at konigsberg jy the at the sale of santa for the arst nights pc in the now metropolitan bouso new boik tho arico for B box was SIM and for an orchestra ineat M the lom cst arico for an orchestra seat was H io 0 the evening of alio the anniversary of alio of america was celebrated with 11 banquet in too opera ut madrid spain abo build ine was brilliantly illuminated mid acco rated with flags and the coats of ann 0 tho republics of north and south america alic resignation of the spanish am bax nador to franco ha tendered and ho insists upon its abc acc statistics shiow that travel by rail is a ato fai america ai in europe THE senate labor heard thomas agent for tho amos kang cotton milla on tho ilo d that the null used baloh of cotton yearly turned out to yaras of at 0 cost of ix and tho cot ot labor was about thirty per cent of tho total cost of tho or blout amount of capital employed in plant building etc about equal to tho yearly production american operatives number one fifth of tho employed ahny anro tho loit opera IK CK of the a french transport started for tonquin with TU men and a quantity of war macci lal Os the in tho catholic congress at naples a letter from tho duat wan read declaring tho catholics in italy ready to strike for tho oration ol 01 tho temporal power ot tho rope IN salt lake city utah the anro in ji uproar the city council has ordered them to leave their ou housings among the whites and con contrato in a suburb by As ninny of them have long lenses on their premie aby propose to resist in tho coult i Os tho alth two deaf mutes acro or dined THE treatment of glicr german subjects on the frontier by Is continually growing more severr tin socialist Socia lit Con rosi it pittsburgh wan by thirty eight delegates siro by the central labor union of new york to form military organizations to defend thrle A SYNDICATE is reported to liivi been formed to purchase so alio sioux lands which it was proposed proponed ti throw op to tho public northern lias into tho tree planting busini hs on n as n fence to keep abo from drifting upon alio tracks IT is minneapolis Is grinding hour per alny the production w ill go to arar rel if lie water power iiii proves all abo inlall ni 0 ki nil flioy can of 1 for asli with to alic of ho imi ali Atlin lic co is about to 10 ilailo by abo now york fish commission THE condition of alio llio english anil the of arnin to indicate that galil froin great britain to alio states will not bo heavy fall experiments recently anilo III franca tho 0 power by electricity 1 practical anil at a 0 ilni allos only lit toan per cent of the power cougil bo 1 austria abc railways bo a little alil in some respects but every passenger car lias in it an indicator chichas chas alio train forward hows upon a dial tho name of tho ncik station two deaths from yellow fever acro tod at browton ala on the 1 ali ami two dioio nero expected no koiv cases were reported on the 1 etli fernalo nurses are needed ON tho the Flo kicsa A boci soci fatton left Jackson vino for iho louisville exposition 9 anro acin enado in cincinnati tor tho reception 0 tho society of tins anny of tho ON alio the united states court denied a motion to enjoin tho city ot new york from collecting taxes as sescil upon acil estate 0 tho manhattan ll ailway company suit the bankrupt estate 0 jay cooko co to recover on tr aury notes alleged to leavo been improperly niad by aliu meneva men tva in philadelphia on the alth in favor ot the defendants and borly evan prizes wye secured by baates exhibitors alibe floh erics exhibition in irla fillad aro massing nud a ight is expected when ahr french reinforcements arrive 3 of st abc under to strictly watch the ino fluentes 0 foreign guests ON the docsa gooda valued at alveral thousand dollars consigned to alie partridge new york acro seized by tho now york cus tomis investigation into tho cholera epidemic in egypt tho fact eliat alio is propagated by threadlike thread like THE government of russia lins decided to who send out unfounded imports about army dacies and ON alic lilli at waterbury conn CW pupils of a public school became panic stricken at nn alarm of ire ilnay acro injured alio allro was easily subdued |