Show JAMES AT THE HAH ali trail of UK Nut orlon binl lin tit alio caia liy sc lur llin ali to hlll urit I 1 ronk wn not lit MO AUS 2 mm bolton was and to ln to tho of V bilto ami the dlf nf his body biord retailed to alio chit was ahal ond wounded nl alio urn all biln bollon frank and tt ilu 1 to him riveral lit her linc loll eliout ho win known by ali imaino ot hull and worn alii ken alo in abird to bildilli narl of cooil K to lilt buino effect 1 ui i june or o annn li depot 11 offu bartt lull in company wil litno otan rit who hired il bi to lake to tin it ii Mft llory identified alic int ai a man iw hal hii hoesr hil in mr botts chop on the prior to anu t iol j of ali tlc alc d to visit m alo ay jaina to li eliop to gnp a libin and to hla gioi tc inious hid ivin the name ot rowil ml claimed lo 10 io a attic eliy oiin tj Wit Kw diw 11 marc he flici for db it a tho V anston v li n he aft auld she walf 1 l efin lc anro G W ami hotl lied to teeing lili Tint boll i july lu pot n inao twi ilic mallory aud ir adf tharo fit afif lira iolli of alio alio ns havling nt her alio li or 11 1 1 pair 0 breakfast in with another annn to I 1 jamaca itt his ral july 11 in n mr izolt they fed liora and defendant his nnnie as WIIl urd and they eliat they cicro laff ln ff to had hidu izan saulo to ervn tho do on tho line of the railroad dubont 1 l n anllo dutli of aitto miles from on alip adny of alic pretended to be bu lit cows M t tho annn I 1 struck on nn old rond not for ewt nt 1 hen I 1 found jt hor binl and yard from that ini warr aoth babi or wn n corrol with white on hind iry and ahon I 1 tills naci uy und by ins partner up and wm more and than tho ono arst biot I 1 arnt to alio stork on alio aln ro I 1 four biorn i aind llian I 1 found and atti little 1 annd n i ernp I 1 alho nw a slimp up liy ann lilleh looked as if it haid been rut ait oit or broken 1 th n tha nisin I 1 euit thal MO AVIS sa at iho at court to daiy W the ballel cal lel ho acs to known for live ond to copon nt lili liou c liy n alino alio llio tub hory W 1 prod tho i i receipt on may 13 of n ax boily nd biord ald aldu to n lilliin lilli it laklia lak lii ill her four from Wl nilon tho day of alio robbery mr tc to tho willlim llroy and ahli oil 11 A ilnia testified to and oilier nion to kano ehno before alto robbery 1 lie witness rax ild dall bonc of tho party mr arny alao klan alio defendent mrs lumc frnnk miles west B by 1 mun ic i c to glicr homo two liay li foro alio he hail ali inkers frnnk miles of inal itin to annl bieni I 1 ins at lih ii abo part ot juno lal thoy cicil all mrs Ilni liy of tho ant tc to iho annl be mistaken us to iho identity of of the party I 1 matthews lili aed to tho loss on abo alth t juno ia of u horse face nril white lelnd acea which ho recovered litant so en weeks lotar in county M to above borso blout the last of july or lant of it orar lo 10 eon tho luff anil to the of iho ano dieg case nril alio llio court sir etui will ranko iho for theda lo narrow und a as tan bo kcjr will endeavor to chow alio llio tf a iho arlino ond will alo how alint anink wai not in ihu iho cnut was commuted MO all S A fe thlu huorn ink commenced abo fr tho alio point in lio that frank MII S not nt it io chit iho of 1111 accomplice wui in to colv 1 os to tho innon incas amri and liddell n 11 i tho bv lo 10 bo buch us 10 rinder ol 01 belief tharo wild to tant of filth imi iia jonas potts and arit sonic and u would io who wai on tho amli that ana tho hitter would frunk ans car it ho bown to n arfi tho defendant with ll in to chiat plotter ind iho I 1 uila binl alje of alio llio from city wen in alili hal by as they d if t would ani 0 cono t acm if tho eliud BI konns hy Asto thomm thu santos caw nt it would be this luau win ans liko frank jacc lint falio lit fact lan IM alo cn o v iia ono of identity and it would bo liia tho arti and liali to follow alip 6 brouso kcjr client coult not awit iutin lid bolner jurt us leno raut f ibo details ct tho ac they cn the lart callad aoa T nrc slun alio wimon of alio winton robbery ali to alio con shot and i bo of tho rob barn who fur ali ro be anc whom full ix erdl llo wn was not ono of ilcin V ibria n knew U J woodlon in elret in fmc bilm us na oner 11 week ho as u and liaro lat in mn re h all honoro luilly izilor and jonir on bu chin hijii hafk t but know low n J 11 know anil were iho CIT i bul did not know iho lilies kui oloti an or know ii U 1 woo lion la unit in alro 77 im n tho oll avus house last diw ho biad taudy arhl over bild lild face was engaged as defendants attorney an mra ho n allo and n half cato winlon that eluo tn inco inan aln at her boio alio even IOK of abc alie alt ck struck the annn was the taller with nod rn one of lida allu oilier u was noton cof but afim of abo preceding Hinni did not think aai ono of aliu inan bill tny ni glicr of bad a jaryc john L dann ton jonn jonni i iotti abo lu iho latter told him ho haid cicco to KM fi aak jamef and that bo had never en e n him on two man biad brovo up to bis he mid he n alio idt lie tind ahod boric tor artoro alio robbery marion tilled lo 10 walli in aitio r aa S when lio mid lie had ix rn gewo picture lit aln ton and ho libil mod n dioro cor bilm bolls wt Ion rv nt alio llio lime u A lint iott toll him jail tio hilll not know lr ho and ever K cn hr cougil nol tell alio offered in evidence ricord of alio llio trial binl conviction or lor ikic f in varnon count in which vim rend lo 10 the jury jopplin A tr alls willi hp inina broil d n hick lin k I 1 all limn and ilni und alir three ai aln o in M in i ith lease jemc annl in n tho ilni rolli api o as hf alio he lifto not soam iriina floro as mi a anink in iho of ayi kiil cal for 1 I icho went w liar fl f all anil apic c nnie tor ahcin she wann l walli ta but cakl lir 11 boum be folly to do so ajit anit know adi it aln 0 o alio llio nal dad not know mr it to lie in wag only as slur n bomin in alin lit almo tt linen caw scifo ans in alio llio I 1 all of kil 1 camei n ill ahr liany in aw nal nl witness loir clyor ilnyo duj not know ho was a fugitive from J 11 rl illo of danli rity l to n in ac toll klinl wn not at M lirot in ln alny of 10 lo to hi it alic brothers in ibo aw bothin of frank annl billil not hrar or lilt linew llila hero WIK 11 itam oil ailin und laid aidt wen foi n number of acara lie visit cil jall HM ailta in the i of il timit no nince Nl cholson another biotin r lil haj nevor known until lie met him lut l ut tho anil jasso jamo wen ht bouso nil tho of wl never mir il walh m jhc thc rp wn n family resemblance bi huud anil ircink juine te binol chiu mra dol Copt for rind liaa yi I 1 john T norval W arlys L A 11 t the saino particularly with to 1 1 I 1 Woo ilson wai baj gaag wiio MO all 31 shortly blui 0 court atila benr kiil shalby anil pro apolony for irrig in his conduct lie liy previous on tho CM if tanil and utter to n court kiil a alno of lun dollar which kiil liil bilm testimony for iho ilc ivnic than jimosse of the pence of that lie nt tho alite unil thai lr ahoo that aho liaa not tvan for two annica mnason ft neighbor nf tho 1 hint I 1 toll him that hilm not frank ciunci wik in alic hint cintr li ston frank imi loll 1011 the bal down haftl had mra and alil nifty to alic almo chii latter that was acl in the atila lit tho almo 0 iho winiston Anan lits dural tant old nifty told bilm just ho lind never icon frank gilld did not klot he alir W 11 kiar uran 11 ir tosti nod alint will nolton wim borkine for him just alio llio wood aind thai hlll 0 o of his own motion old him tant hr ciul told 11 story at the coroner and bat bla mado him do IL ezna saul d to seen tho de on alii line of tho about n a ot alio two aiom fournad fourn nd alx lx on the ilay nf the he pro to bo bariny fut cow 0 dmn I 1 struck on mi old i aind not for anis 1 l acie I 1 anund n liotti hitched and and from tant ass chy waru l bolh bays or one ai a i n sorrel attilli on her annd leas ald then 1 nw llis nian alv and by came up hal wn indio anil thin thu one hist next day 1 went to bu arc llo on the oliero X four and iban I 1 found Ul uther and cicro sn trophy 1 found 11 I 1 mso MW 11 hallar atnip up there by ainuu as ac it had kieril cut off or brokon I 1 i iho defendant as uio m in I 1 saw sirs mother of trunk jamte ihna jcsse caino dionio in may dick was with bilm alicy ali they from kentucky I 1 ciuck wg that the giunio I 1 cull feink ho replied ho hal kit anink in kentucky in alij I 1 gall son you know hug you ingv it urh n lal I 1 alion turned to laddell and inked liim anil lie sald idank win huewaa in kentucky anil hii in tirril durans eliut cia anco aul cooil anil alck and shirloy hir loy 1 were at tho house fi fluently hiis not there that ciul I 1 hilll not to lii frodi tho alino sovan camo and kliot lilai till I 1 nw bilm alter ills jim win nt aliv lion w alnio in li il ul aliat know wats but he liia I 1 nm tiny alno acara oll aal have 61 1 MIH in dinv inv au c nr when arm was shot on aal iny little lia wn filkil win ihor when alm left altor alio llio ali abton i ahoy did not tiko sonio walli them fac E ild yes I 1 pare lacni a anil anil n loni ift fo taftt n cociu pus sott as n ily lily L and ou nil catch cm alien lilmer n ln lnig of ant 1 l to returning to lil homo jn inels tle t of lil l il nud jimca hero lil family lie nothing but n on ahli fica nt lliott time lacro aca no bort yorlli one kllc from ho lived frank ac cincil to boklund of III bild his mrss chit ang nt glicr home att fulls tox aruin juno to july and fohir weeks OI 01 alic latter ot july anil left lenal in lie nebout annc ho would like to anic of lil hlll iho governor of ilia K f james was on alio to in lil own and ravo a detailed of ills iron alio llio winter ot till his surrender other s alint lio wn in scina lie mm marof essl nt iho of hl and licord of alio llio Wn and nicio cut dilill on n gnp into the netlon and returned to hi but his namo would bo with 11 and it him to bo lie alic ninilo by pick ado ll 11 him walli abo wenston rub bury GALLATIN MO art i alo prosecution in rebuttal omo tsuio to down the evidence of S T abo who wn ou alio arnin alio llio llo re callol nal toll that ho that lio could not or that ho fitlin to iv ivrus rui one ot II 11 cm locked alko ho was feet ahel ait t A 1 I foyil dudac r 1 I li W anil anit lo 10 alint the conven lo 10 iri alio llio liml jiuu li lie lo 10 ht havo lierl allt in i way alio llio to elili auns tuns ac 1 annl t it lutat the wll liun lial malc buch alen to them arf sarah K idilo tl leil tant ho know boort ifa ll cl with him in alio amo liati for four io ans very un in til no ho flaunt rf il anny lie 1 l kocal bleul irich jamo an to ills was wry davit do nol think and l roch oilier alos tant ho know wool aliu jwina he woo wag flak or ten loc lioi lilah etli harbt hair ond full milt 0 lo 10 alx lx six icat high never taw frunk james but a ir s haro afa acin alna anil at hani liero ilanor J II 11 united stales alint ho wa in the caret ilif time of abo aliton tho ana by him when ho wa abol thoro acro tanco ancil 1 klisit car two do in e the binl one alio llio l all the hiir that hot lio never euer until bo paw bilm alli bla il 1 oa 03 in ahn center of the ciar 0 alir benil of licorie lie cradit nn alio rail of dowal 1 1111 tharo was one mail in aront or me u in t aali limal and on my left in girnt alio the ann almi alio llio arll bopf wn two act from the inin alio billil alic arvin allm cal of the car nirl about imbt of alio car imiri the inin who killed iliin I 1 baw no in laiti haals of ho iliin alio cut thu borc alio of tho who eliol alio vent to the and of uio tand nil three 0 ahe cut of the bloor I 1 llant mo anny diio oc rim to alio llio of tarr car but 1 af ov of from the or alio car when tho conductor aln ll tIIe tio train not stop al tecc chife ol from 0 elal manitu to IH slop poil liy llan went about men went out no rn thy front platform aej thi the car alio llio ami clowd its faff anil artar n couple of unimportant aci c in ditl rl tl alic hlll ron cl ty uch ello alfin limited to flygt lioi irn gair alln yo sept 3 alin of ift alio jury in the cam of llie state va I 1 rank cU argol in the ni st iloK ico shortly litter nine alifi anil occur icil nearly nil hour mancel towi iril ten with a full niall once manijo up of abill lB ill tho for rp uklid ai lanira ur alio ll latono tono ilal ton hairs for tho alvo to be milo tor alio lur alic itata if spec cliM of to bor tho inlo on W 11 for ii Lou bounty nty iw alio llio jam M of t ipuh ami a T garner of acay ito i |