Show industrial INDUS THIAL FAIR success of the recent flar in salt lake city as well as tho small jet interesting fair of llie louus ladli assoria tion of beaver held last week again prompts u to suggest eliat next year our citizens inac an industrial and agrical tur il show or f air similar aci of course on a smaller to alic I ditc itc show of tho D A and M society in alie metropolis A person couie hardly estimate lie amount cag ol 01 a periodical exhibition of that would do in 1 county like beaver farmer alen try to excel one another in improving stock and would try to have better firm product of course improved of working the soil mechanics would alo put boikin mcw implements of home manufacture and we would laivo evidences of skill and culture and m the aits and sciences many a young bonim lias been fust discovered in rural by a trifling ex at a county fair then would vie with each ether in improving their grade oft getting birdy enough 0 o st this and at the same liine bear annu al crops or cac boino mc alliod of proceed would bo discovered whereby alic trees could be protected from alic early aud lato crosb alit b afflict ol 01 with aaen we have the perhaps less install lul mire admired culture which c irr ka with kiich influence which the poor as ovll as aliu can participate ia aud partakes so much of what our of the threat life lyond ibo grave are A love for the beautiful in nature as well as the perfections of industrial life ia largely engendered by exhibiting what our individual efforts have brought about and we have no doubt that in view of the great benefits that would accrue that our citizens of means would subscribe liber oil i of giving suitable something tint idila induce conr to spend n little marc time binl pains upon competing crops alic mechanic upon specimens handiwork and the artist upon hh works or artistic eikill in fatt a participants to to excel but premiums or no premiums let us a fair and if next year s seasons nr only half as cooj ns lie present we can aa crt thit hi n assur cJ let in bo progressive aej not doing as many of our citizens appear to lo 10 viz linn ahn any other ambition savo hit f ing aej fam illch from year to year till they finally jasd away ablo to in tint the has been lie bolter fur their livin id it |