Show PERSONAL AND GENERAL IN tho trial at mo of william inn for atlon in alic robbery 0 tho A alloin train at on 8 in about hie middle of april alsan came tonic nod proposed robbly 1 mriln I 1 refused to 11 tan to liim mid lie let me alone until the cah or october when ho ami ed sillier came to and that james biad me to assist in chicago A alton train at on the 0 I 1 on chit dick little win itin giitl a inin cameil bob alicy ino arnis and we went lo 10 glondale took possession 0 the depot ami enado of everybody vc the to stop he sillier robbed the car iho act 0 u i tood guard ocr the engineer and in the icso wan achot in alic lc after e the robbery wo went to an old houe about one anllo from iho lebit lei it and iho booty we cot altogether but they only K HO me 90 jcsse and iett lerand took the llin abare after be ili 0 o bosc liyon and I 1 lq eo hoina and stay there and no one aoud in and lu lo 10 direful liow MC our money wo home and would never liac diac been discovered bid I 1 not let out walli alic witness bi liam pleaded to complicity in tho robbery about ft lear aso atod n 0 ten acar but has been pardoned ton WILLIAMS 1 young acro murderer waa banged at texas on the HON SOLOMON SPINK sec rotary of cikota and to tiled at on the in alic beir 0 hj nc THE train burrins newspaper correspondents llie OAT O AT liall funeral train arim washington struck a handcar hand car contain ln a number of truck handa while tro sin alie icaco cieck bridge acir rill itoiz li three tit alic men wro killed outright a fourth arii hurled upon alie pilot nud fatally injured biml a fifth wis alyin through to abc creek bd laty feet below two others wounded and died two mien jumped roin the air to llie creek led incredible as it may appear ct tlc alc nian rily of abc approach ol 01 the traen aul evidently they ind lo 10 ret alir it quinca III wis by a decalli nebout 4 on the fit llie lalli A dumber of faiss were alie dooin cl duffy co ii atoe ani ard vi 1 va kill til henry ayl aal 18 waif fatally ln ami runn abeln inken from abc arink MIX alo fi tilly in lurid die room 0 Coin lock crolo coi foundry near liy ali arca irca abc and one inin doc lT wis anly imbt joel soni tobacco bictory hafi parti illy and manil of alic inmates arc ini iniard ird A 0 oilier rol to t grouer or lafis chent the lolita ln by the larm tj calt wm of calhoun county matli li lades 0 pike county and a pone rn alio to capture he nolor lUB llie vall brollini brol linn alaia willi nn ho abol and killed the Colci nan at Iu raid WI the lallar verc trens to arrest A belv win fur alic of the it win recently a ihly lid in aiko aud colhoun Cil houn and wi to et acl capture they were discovered in tle near limiti and his boie nc ot thou altti on a lo 10 a iain his lap the othar cretch the li iino up doer when he leveled lili revolver at chodo faltin on the lo 10 iud ordered him to throw up lila s ho threw heri cf fired it lalni hut lu li n aim as the desperado returned llie lire with fall effect i lauinia ahr lidid he fell dead in bl tricks alic iberi bc cimo gen c rall but the acro all on one tide as churchman a deputy sheriff was bol through iby ICK anil mccubb one ot the lotse rc celcy a bill abo the Sli crins parly then drew off desperadoes mounted upon two borics bor ics captured from their would be cap lor oft toward the they crotch to the missouri nida into lincoln county A disaster occurred at sedalla Ml nourt on be frank alb bont who lived in a small frame bouse in the western 0 ho city got up about G belll a liro in tho and llian went to an la the rear ot the yard soon afterward lie beard lilii wife anil to the homo lie found it wrapped in clinics biln four children acro ailcey in alio llio small room in abo upper story limbed to iho window of alic apartment broke in the klic with bla liandi and uck in big bead to awaken the children he was ly the inoke and fell to the ground almod in 0 the of ihfe frame bouie waa in B few and iho tour children mentioned above were all burned to death A accident occurred on tho uca A in county iowa by a llon train leaving the track three men were killed nil thirty more or acs injured the name 0 the killed aro john and C G gilbert TUE explosion of a car loaded with dyni mlle on the iowa alda 0 the raver opposite omaha omiha ored loaded with and the round holtei ot the alock island road for no was In lured A CAR of the train on the canada southern nl due at detroit alla rn on the plu oRvil from the libal into alio river 1 l and gave tho halt dozen who were a mott ducking the cr mccamo and to tho bottom tho car floit lis illon its side and the c through he windows abo inot 0 were none of alic pas had retired I 1 berths or it Is probable some would anno been drowned the boich to alic steeper which wi with dragged par the loit but the rc firmly and 11 remained gilted lilted at in 0 degree th accident WK tamed by lie boat tho ekr with such ats to project hie train forward J J a young man ol 01 and cine appearance said to tie alic aon 0 ii wealthy new biot himself through alic brent nt a bloston bold alico boltl liy the declora aliat he rol lily recover 10 ieli lio biad no wish to lonser aio alic canso of lih despondency THE boiler of an engine on alio mia leoti st I 1 binl exploded on alio llio near lake nt fifteen miles an hour alio engine i as ayi feet forward and oft track ino amri derailed grovo was thrown a aind died foon the ind conductor jones were injured IKE one of tho of alic notor loui blockton 0 o gins of dope ho was in new acx lo 10 fur murder arson other fatally shot chile arrest OF sixteen souls on board the blimp calcutta from ant indies for hoston near eat bondon only the nitta carpenter and one seaman were sav sancil cil ric bodies were AT gli N Y thomas axed SO refilled inar ilaf 0 o by bis ared 37 went off anil got eruik and to the encased tho woman in conic rs stion while tallan tall ln bo stabbed alo woman and then dran the halte across iiii own throat both will A e THE boilers of huff sawmill at traskwood Trask wood ark exploded on alio boht N one of the pro pr letora and U and A Joli inon workmen boughs roughs McDon alil li who brutally murdered two altson near richlyn i few days ago were taken from the hlll and iavan the mo arnin robber his botn to twenty live c ara a lie shi alico from new york 0 liden with railway ron wasi wrecked on ilace oft the hildan grilc and ten of cre an anchor alno al new york reports lie sinking of i stcl and ln of aill ou baird A farr nc tr sav oa went down walli ische A NUM riKK of the hostile indians have into aorl Apic lic and surrendered nd it Is alio few still out will or lie without alty will lie tried by ii ulli lury i in 0 o bicel at 1 orl apac Apa 1 allm and family cut aiom to tn tir where they are to rc nahi fir toiuo lime ia returned i m j ui ope in connection walli ill I thann habip ays he ns been aured t foieri foie ii capital to cam out abe project our gov not to alic apropo lie lis irtie before congro n A fund com lias been at cleveland for alic of i sub trip hoot for iho of n ilc monument abc grac 0 the atte |