Show REDSKINS OF dispatches from tho mexican that for tho moro effective prosecution of tho apache campaign or iu other words abo war of extermination winch is now declared against certain of apache indians in consequence ol 01 their atrocities general crook corn la anding tho detail of american troops operating in arizona will by permission of abo mexican govern mant take supreme command for alio tune being of all troops mexican national as well as his own tint cro engaged in tho campaign thus af fording tho first real instance in his tor of mexico becoming a military ally of tho united states that this ii a very mode of action for tho subjugation of tho adly is beyond cavil tho mexican forces reci as they mailly aro from what is known as tho greaser or aalt brcci indian population combine tho sagacity of uio huo h castilian Ca atilian aith tho cunning of the indian they aro now pursuing and bath to tho aco graphical raph ical tho country cannot but make especially euch an efficient and relentless officer as general crook alio most effective weapon wherewith to whip tho merciless savages tho ordinary american soldier undoubtedly excels his mexican prototype as far us genuine but lo 10 is certainly manly goes unsuited cd to tho fighting of a foe who not only takes the most precipitous cip itous and inaccessible mountains for his battlo ground but who is in every respect the very synonym of balago treachery and consequent ferocity general crook has acon severely criticized criticised of lao by the press of arizona for his apparent tardiness of action when tho tn th of tho matter seems to bo that like a true soldier bo himself in preparing to analo a decisive campaign against tho hostilia host iloa of merely dodging as his predecessor did after alio savages through the mountains until thoy took refuge on mexican soil t renew their depredations ivhon another opportunity aras afforded them vo thor eforo thial thai tho reciprocation and concerted action of tho two governments will result in our eister territory being forever freed frontu tho curse end gloomy pall diat has over boon thrown over it by the bloodthirsty anil cruel dispatch says ft new and borisus complication is ol 01 in tho thial and as foro the trouble is m abo jury box tharo is no bribery in tho caso but a moro matter the lifo of juror kuglics ahou bo was assigned a scab among alo jurors near four mouths ago it was observed that thoro was a slight swelling in his neck probably tho aizo sizo of a pigeons egg subsequently tho excrescence which proved to bo a cancer increased and is now larger than a mans hand ono of the attorneys for the government is authority for tho statement that the explanation of tholon thy cross of government witnesses by tho do fecco is duo to this fact no ono could fail to gotico tho rapid progress made by tho and it is regarded as only a question of a short before juror hughes will bo forced to leave tho jury box find thoro will bo a mistrial alo sh liopo for tho unfortunate sufferer and his pitiable condition has been freely commented upon by visitors to tho court room it is only a question of endurance |