Show prill filial to the school beaver city school gentlemen it ia with to the giver of nil good that I 1 pie sent to your gotico this my firt re tho progress binl of tho ouli al school of aliis district on account of sickness busy time taud last term of school year I 1 ic arct to say that attendance and punctuality has bot alic lest during tho term 28 boys and 52 gai lt acio enrolled fil fi l ag withdrawn daily attendance 7 koths with to alio studies I 1 can say that I 1 at least hae been very much and herewith present in brief my modo of teaching reading I 1 havo endeavored to teach practically aiom text book aurec times a week selections from other books and newspapers twice thus increasing a lovo of reading tills method lias acon adopted as far aa possible from alic primaries to the advanced sly object was net merely to them faw to read but to love it my object in spelling has been not to teach them words they can not comprehend and would probably never use but from common conversation words from reader and words from compositions ing to their minds the real value of this groat attainment i my aim in teaching writing is twofold 1 at that hupila may write their awu thoughts though Ls and 2nd that they may nto alio thoughts of others that way the bolter ba acied to aidain legibility and beauty in chii branch ita laivo been discussed daily using copy beoka my anil in view in arithmetic is that alio pupils might bo for practical lilo tho text book in alio primary and intermediate grades las been disregarded a thoroughly digested plan lacing substituted alio object ol 01 which has been accuracy in the fulir rules lessons and physiology anve also been given twice a week by way of 1 till aay that taking everything into consideration era tion this term has been very satisfactory is to me obedience as a cilc lias bacu prompt whatever lessons bicio vicio assigned generally been prepared in case of failure repetition lias been insisted upon what seems to me to bs alio most discouraging to a s teacher is n mixed beaver coa and I 1 hope billin future aboid it but little time can bo ghan to ench class when one teacher lias twenty daily A school will if properly con bcd out demand competent primary teachers who above all others should be qualified this grado is laid a foundation of alio fulgro career its ts morality its it s virtue its health ts everything depends in a measure upon the primary r stay the honor of having a thoroughly graded liy alio best of teachers bo our happy lot is tho greatest desiro of your hemblo servant B |