Show t of elephant if nature aiu not riven intellect 0 o these it hw iven ilicin mi in stancl very much akin tu ita man giai only to lliam in li lotrn how wonderfully haa laii lit them to clex c aliu ewt ind for feeding or in itina td nort in jungles where heir bodies 0 o rocks or die dirk filiau fu liau tint it is very for alie to them from objects while their fact ary fo d that nal only chii eliy oica any kenil of ground or soft ih arny or smooth but without emitting n sound their grounds ire modish of inc miKy some af them for tiu aea J follow cil up a herd and fudel in 1 enill on three by a tortuous nver ini mortals mor by arca irca on cither of ha pi chipi tons bink or entangling in ils bed while alic ahau afi by si fin leil liick et forir to ct it djin licin nl ant alii vl ii I 1 dulcet of alio forest tin by alic opposite iida to kiil liil by I 1 gitil anil following acl jl lokim I alid not pct act i cliot die diun ic done to rice chopi ir thinks is c it iuey b 11 in leoro ly oro but in linnnie linn nih in many it is cd on work in alic deriet di riet I 1 hivo lican fal loucil sibolt by dama odone ind asking for a remission mistaking me fora revenue no one l have the rea it alicy liall we should bo their and not bill their instinct i 1 will ivia of warn war broke pit with tur niah a lot of alc iliin 5 acri arrit acron fawn to by lind alio c of captain hinh of thu only sixth amona ilium hiis i lusk cr a to hiis kofl why WIT not exactly known sonic said it ana lie neck hia inai lut acason what it may this brute tried hanai anil liim only bavi ral s 1 lr alrie ie stan leini cil for this several by other elephants willi fd ns n iru docs thil basli nt alio halberts halberds hal berds bantit woof no use wa he would take food except froni i pel lie had t wo laili cl alons idu of anni and eventually died at As n rule are timid dinolti n i but ceoly fol koweil up or youn licar no bunniss bun nils they dread firo else but one pliant the battery in w un aai u autlin H lire aliis same elephant donld do I never kuca any other to ilo z a beasts bea neck was cut all but alie vertebra acl matter abul Talo a deer or anything else it would when ordered put a foot on the icek aliff trunk around alie head and civilli i il froin llie boby and liand it up to alie mili ont I 1 liaro seen one that boull hand bir birdus dup lint mo it of of le sort isor would alicy rend upon a thoice used for exi cution s ill s ii boila leavo been taught to do afo sonic men anbi tal trample upon andy ind b tc doin ruin klicin for port an elephant vi cioni by will only do sc at liast alio llio n bill after a time if annj tiling fall it it pt cli arge and it it docs not 1 kneel down suddenly and throw lie oc cup iiii of alio li odil it acl alic animal between its lcy n d alays sifts of foolbull fool bill biti it il backward mid lu atie front and liin d it ii ofilio ciKi itney bf a moa anre oft alio backof nn alc pliant would bicic dijt mounted on a beast ajio biad kiula such tricks AH dc liliant r boullit of lial onic been cut y a would to eutera one of taru animagi ani mali wix hie vordi scent of ono woich glicr alyin A splendid female bc department cared fur a tiger vituld kiiko tw kiil af bar hu alili kcf t ilni of icca buc if alio met a pony cykon |