Show rian lins a forest tho first alio fund point in tree on 1 largo that is in planting what may bo called a forest is to consider the trees as a crop like any other crop only this requires a much longer lime than onlin ary crops to come to maturity this will at once put tho subject to many if not to most persons in a new aspect accepting tho idea that biccs arc to bo planted like corn or wheat as crop follows alonco tho necessity of care and cultivation ami alic consideration that arc tho conditions of success we alo not expect to harvest an ordinary crop and one that will yield a satisfactory pecuniary return willious willi out having bestowed upon it birc and labor no moro should we look for in tho larger growths of the forest without a culture and when we come to look upon alic of a forest in this light wo shall easily almost inevitably regard our ordin ordinary iry nativo forests whore tho trees are simply yun crad to grow up in complete neglect exposed to injury from alio llio intrusions of cattle and from other causes as at best only a partial utilization of lie ields mature has provided for our comfort and profit it is true that trees will grow and come to maturity in rough and on poor soils where nol liing else will grow or where alic of other croplis impracticable and unprofitable it is true also that the growth of these great forest in stul of impoverishing ing enriches the soil hence there is no use of our pour and nhat wo call waste lands which abound more or less here at once so aad as to devote them to the growth of trees loft to flics n our forests and woodlands generally are they are remunerative but they might more remunerative they would be if instead of regarding them as one of products of na we were to as one ol 01 our staple crops something to be managed and cared for by us V II 11 agu floii in popular science Moi |