Show THAT RICH A arco and its source detroit free drw A few months bigo an interview with a prominent and well known physician formerly a detroit but now living ID icv york appeared in alie columns 0 this I 1 he made by alic doctor anil alio tacit lc d were or to unusual a nature as to no little commotion arnon those fl ho read tharo and many inquiries mere raided as to the the interview validity ot the statements it contained alio name u alic wn i nt that time gnp at ta own request abe sou of tc tracy however can now be removed in the important and letter ap lcara l cara below will thois in order low ever eliat the reader may better understand this letter a lew extracts are herewith agnen from abe ia question alter nn exchange of countries and a few reminiscences about the war in the doctor was a prominent burgeon abc reporter remarked upon abo doctors improve appearance epou which be sad tic I 1 hive improved in health since you lad baw me and I 1 lope also la many way one thing however I 1 leave n doing aul it la ono ot alic hardest for auy boc and especially a doctor to do and eliat is 1 overcome my prejudices you know there are bonic who rennau lu wrong rather than the manifest right such prejudice lead to bigotry of alic arst order now I 1 am a phy and of hie old school order too but I 1 lave after years of experience and observation como to alio conclusion that truth is the ol 01 all and that if prejudice or bigotry chand in abe way ot truth 0 o much llie vori c for them they nrc certain to bo crushed or later why when I 1 knew lou in detroit I 1 would no boner hinc thought of violating the code of laid down by the or of proscribing au thing out ol 01 the regular order than 1 would of amputating my hand now I 1 arc anbe and advise those nelch 1 to be to cure and my experience proven to be such how did you come to get auch ideas a these doctor oh they arc the result ot my and I 1 obtained my ideas 11 on uio subject though from hiving been cured sitter all my care and the skill of my professional brethren tal to me why I 1 was as badly oft as many of roy pi with a of trouble in eluding dyspepsia and 1 kidneys and liver and I 1 feared I should have to civo up my practice fur montan I 1 untold agonic dull indefinite pains in various juris of the liode ft lack of around ane a los of appetite headaches all were added to balna were both acute and constant alck as I 1 was however I 1 became restored 0 o health lo 10 n most manner and la nn incredibly ot time and it was this atut a revelation to me eliat wail tho point and iny prejudices idad aitor that I 1 can a saure you 1 went to reading extensively ten and and that timo I 1 hae discovered many abins of real value to humanity why only a few ago I 1 a isida who wag from a serious and benl to use the acine remedy cured me I 1 saw her this mornine and he h nearly hell tho pain and inflammation are all pone and she Is around as usual we have liht la the medical fraternity to sit baak and d claro there ia DO such thing as or advancement van cement or that c have a monopoly 0 tho remedies which baturo bis to mankind are great changes going on in every department of life and there arc development in medicine as U thuu hopu die every ear from supposed typhoid or other complaints plA ints when in reality it Is from by poorly cooked and diseased pork of children are dying every ear from dropsy aa abo apparent sequel to when in reality II 11 is from diseased kidney which haac become weakened by the fever thiry hao jut bad well doctor ou have got some new truth here certainly but they sound very tome U all they are or not I 1 have to dinv inv own that they ar true and I 1 to by them no chiw kiich opposition I 1 may raie by doing 0 o any man be be politician preacher or who Is to rf lil pocket book his own buds cuds B to b the nian truth f unworthy alic name of nan annj unworthy alic of abe public choin h arri the tato aro orno of the ID the referred to vow c quiel tho following outspoken out spoke letter irom the doctor which bu lust been received I 1 published in lull mor drw erwi some time affa affi a reporter of conr paper hail in interview with me which be ibid ho hoail like to I 1 condition tatt you would not mention my name until I 1 RIVO you I 1 have now act aliu pu duroc roc I 1 hl in mind and wish to ey to you which you can publish or not as you MO lit lud debited for ion time whether I 1 would shako ott oms of the att other ifor beira nd tell abo truth or not dhru 1 lo 10 ICI tack and thought of the tor turea like aboe by in hl trip to hie which I 1 and recalled how much I 1 would line lima I 1 hake liucc I 1 that I 1 would like the tep 0 o ion aal tony id thereby TC one ator one the I 1 en I 1 would be QI be be oilier fht abey ily con dillon was produced by torpid liver which did not x a the allo from the blood this produced of the stomach tto mach of it routs or hlll pl ll yellow corni fit covered ecca chills and lever in I 1 wa to the ISKI I 1 la vain to roy book to my kU lanil to my fellow the of my ill health grew deeper I 1 but to ni when in this frame 0 ala I 1 desperately in rcck of help ant noda one 0 my brind callad my attention to some cure vr ought by a add ayd me to try it I 1 emphatically aci hoad but cod alth abo fann that I 1 would never let anybody know what I 1 bad done I 1 ican lt use it was only an experiment yon know but for that matter all medical I 1 well to make n tens and 1 experienced a aorl 0 revolution my akin pot a letter co or mr liver I 1 no longer hail to arouse alia bowels alli cathair bics tics siv cd walli roy avs ati not na turo did it I 1 aut determined to the lo 10 abo extreme I 1 work 1 tri cl tho effect of alic remedy on roy patients walh kidney liver and urinary disease Wiit chine every and then I 1 was for alic acin adv every left under gucci tha matter of my cure became ft question of conscience and at duty lo 10 humanity here in a remedy I 1 11 that hag adno for me whit alic lot medical skill of the country could not and is nn anari iwho not the facts I 1 therefore write yoi and assert eliat for of the liver tto macli or urinary nanch arc to treatment kidney and liver cure any remedy I 1 leavo ever know n or used anil since phyl clan have to much in the treatment of dh eibes of these organs I 1 am to accept all the consequences alico I 1 totcy nrc it conscientious in luty lound to uee thi pure in practice tours very truly J W SMi Tit M D statements so outspoken as aliu attivo and colln from such a rellah lc nurcy arc valuable bronil question they s 0 not only the power of the remedy velch has become so well known and popular but trie importance of attention an glinc to tho arst of declining lic alth when men of tuch slin li ednk annl hlll ansly birc their belief in eliat aliey know to be lile the public may confidently follow their cr amplo |