Show feeding cabbages an important discussion on alio feed leg of cabbages to cows took place alilia meeting of lie slate agriculture many other similar discussions dicus without arriving at any definite conclusion or offering any explanations although were those present who were learned in rhetoric logic anil the laws of ecie 1 lie question under consideration wa was s will cabbage if fed immediately sifter milk in disagreeably anait alie taste t the milk the feeding of turnips would of course be in alic same question alic experience of cvar shown that bicow is turnips ami jit afler milking no ala or of these vegetables is imparted to the milk but when fed before milking the milk is invariably cd these contain a pungent gas which permeates all the absorbing glands and from it is transferred to alio blood and ID alic milk long before the cow has li nihed mn twelve lions had elapsed between the feeding and milking the emu via lias been thrown on and its presence cannot be detected if an animal be slaughtered iv after caling either or ain nips alic beef will leave lie simu 13 noticed in alic milk but alic bert of another animal fed in dav and 1 l alic same time twelve lions afterward will have no mt taste nor ill alic be detected in alic rumen alic statement wa alo mida aliat it are placed in i pile at low temperature pera ture little escapes so long ai if by fermentation the is rii ed to over ninety dr grecs alien becomes rapid anil tire rapidly escapes becoming calcut cil cut to antni ies of ron r on pre ent Is it then liy i ls aliat cabbages or turnips remain in i cows for twelve hours before i he chews lie rend alio remaining allive ninety degrees eliat W not lake place in lie cows stomach ami evolve gas to permeate perm eato the whole acm lcm of llie cow we should remember clial in alie cows cli ind eliat talking panco m a pile rf turnips r cabbages not alio abc nor in 1 lie action of the acid in alic alom which digestion pc ants decomposition li eliere ga asare evolved in alie maili had and sick headache through alic pollution of alic blood is alio of indigestion or iu other words an undue digestion prevents but iu olvce llie albumen and alic vegetable librina so that they arc changed to animal librina and albumen aliis is i very one and DO gas alie fact is these feeding sieb arc al all the starch and a very professor arnold ono of our ablest authorities in matters connected with d airing lias attempted to show eliat alio llio stomach of a cow is si miniature silo but even make mil takes no onu ever found alic contents of a cows li lo 10 the contents of n silo cither to tato or to alic mall it is true acid is found in alic gastric juica aut it acts as a preventive lo 10 decomposition ami never ILS an agent of dera whenever lectie lic tie or any other acid is formed in llie torn adi il is an evidence of indig elion eliat alic stomach li out of older and tant acidic needs to be oi reeled by an alkali may neutrals c alio llio acid blieu a kotlier has ibasun to think that the lugar of glicr cl iilda milk is being congui led into lactic acid she quickly detect il by alic odor of aln breath and mcalis to cure alic di the ferment of an healthy stomach and the ferment of a pile 0 vegetable mailer outside alic are novar identical the ferment of an m healthy however ami the tr of the pile of cabbages or turnip are too often very much alike tho contenta of the paunch of a eow when emptied into alic open air ferment and evolve noxious gacs almost unbearable to persons present while nothing of tho lind ever takes place in abo paunch of a living animal cultivators |