Show FRISCO A cowboy cow boy fandt a permanent rest in grampton Gram pion cemetery the end of a fait lifo prisco times 11 between 2 and 3 this morning a row occurred winch in alio llio of charles stone a youn alio has only been in camp uvo or eix weeks aej who is said to bo a eon of col a prominent citizen of dan vrr colerado Coli rado clarley cuic hero in with two companions and buado themselves somewhat conspicuous by passing ves du as cow Th otrio docio hail excited tho ire of divers and sundry men of our camp who arido themselves on their ability to liolia nn ovon hand with any agui on cm ill tho iloco ased mot liis death in front of one of our saloons ay 10 cam ing i anliot which entered at hit right ann paused through am lungs killing him instantly this an leold and alic evidence only disclose I 1 the fact alint deceased was named clias stone und that lie caico to ins liy n pistol shot in alio hands of a acron unknown to the jury in view of alio fad aliat stone was shot in the presence of a large crowd aind that thu inquest to find any person who who did tho shooting is strange passing pa sli ango in the affray il is kinnan aa liot alic writ aal alio of dread dc ead not liick dusol up by acing libat en ilic lic ail ani face geo weaver lia a lobo call by eliav ni bullet holes ais coal aliis morn hiis tills h a on by alio of alio llio ati by abu if |