Show A CLEAN HAUL an II inker two all HIP ael except li anona to int april a when frank of the bank of F A vila boasy walked into tho 1 inking institution yesterday morning ho examined anil as paralyzed with when he found the safe wide open and empty alio books were missing and nothing remained but abc s abc alio counters and the Ink standa the cashier 1 in mediately sent lor tc t c of the bank aud then it was learned thit iho too was gone for unknown alic cashier closed alic bak but he as acil have left it open aud alio news spread throughout alio city tsa the crad bolouc the door aud save vent to feelings ju tonea booro ihan elegant wild threats were made to be carried out should the missing arcil be an amount oi indignation wa expressed the cashier who by vas of complicity in the scheme there was nothing to be done ami when the explanation of was made abo mulched mulcted citizens retired to their diomes to nurse their regrets van gossy the of the bank had a bail reputation among alie best people in town and lioio it WAS notwithstanding this he took tho laih in can not be explained tho man was in the luibil of every sunday to st louis or hicaro and there spending his time to common rumor in the moil manner lie lud no property outride of the lank and when lie came ln re lie had only a lew thousand dollar upon which capital he bank the last seen of van gossy after loav log the bunk was when lie boarded a northbound north bound centrum train saturday night with u calp sack in his haud the Is that iho 0 the bank has gone to A description of the missing hauk has becci sent over alio country ind hopes arc that be will be captured owing to the fact that the books are it is diHl cult to estl mato tha amount of money taken away and the reliable about it 1 to be from alio llio cashier alio said in re to questions that thero was something over VOi in the bank saturday when lie left for home the heaviest losers by the disappearance of alic and alic amounts are joseph ta join 11 11 W f j 11 van abere arc numerous other citizens who had money ill tho bank nc from thousands to hundreds of dollars they arc losers 0 eiery cent |