Show A that in a single nal in a single agno acres can so quickly ami li cavil an wheat crop that in july promis cil tu lie buo ouo of alic beat that hail been seen as to cause a entitled to consideration in our own wheat growing country alio name wheat mildew is given to that stage of alio life of the parasitic plant causing alio llio disease which follows the rust it takes the external form of acil or black patches disposed in rather irregular kinei on alio leaves straw and diall A long series of questions in regard to it was sent out by W C little to english farmers and the results appear iu i valuable paper contributed to the journal of the koyal society according to alio answers received low lauds and very high exposed silbia eions cr the ui clial chops been touched by to be attacked thai rain after hoi weather favors alio attack rather than a merely acl season in general one caso in illustration of alio ial 1 print alic writers own tann alio discalo appeared all over lie estate in cloven days after a shower following two hot days and as days aru required for alio llio disease to appear externally after the funge chieh causes it begins its life in anu he lias no doubt that all the inic harf was started during alio llio hoi weather and alic following rain the spores or germs of the fungus bad already been sown on that wheat in ome way and as oon as alio necessary conditions of licit and moisture for their germination fulfilled they sprang into life and took possession 0 tho crop As to soil it appears that tho disease is more on mucky and clay soil llinus on light foil no point was there caoru marked agreement in tho answers alian the bail of following wheat right atler clover awen ty ono cil bcd this crop as one which appears to favor alie disease or as having preceded it particular wheat crop aliat was bably mil dewed As to the condition of the soil and alio ma was not my striking uniformity of opinion still it appears eliat mildew is more apt to mako double in connection with high farming and that n crop too enuch bracil by nitrates or any other nitrogenous manure is anoro to attack llota dr and dr support lo 10 this view alio llio former because in his own crops manmed ammonia alono more commonly mildewed mil dewed than elioso which were with and as well as ammonia salta dr biaca his opinion oil alio result of an of a boil on which wheat had acin for several years badly blighted though rich enough in po was poor in s and in limo ind on observations in alic country as lo 10 tho apparent condition of boil and mildew prevails too tho explanation ol 01 tho greater liability to mildew after clover for clover ia regarded as ordinarily a good preparation fur wheat enst befumo it leaves alio upper haycra of soil richer in nitrogen than they previously acro it is not thai any de or superabundance of any kind of plant food can bo the original cano of mildew but that the plant is thereby weakened and become less able to resist thu attack of tho disoso when it does como ant as n inan in sound health may laugh at many disease to which liis neighbors fall victims sinca is that early maturity of tho crop secured often by early seeding lias in many casci saved it aud as phosphates ecca to hasten maturity herein i partial explanation of tho greater prevalence of tho biseau ou boils in phosphate it also appears from tho tenor of theio that red siro guity cheats mcw J |