Show M MAV IM SO rid New York t Congress which took a 11 firm firma HUnd last winter sInter agaInst the tho expenditure ot of monc money h hy by oeland over oer and arid ahoo thin tho l a rita pru practice tire tice calculated to nullify lit ull all efforts at tit economy IB likely to tighten MUll tam fui ther Il its Iti control o over r as a it result rosult of ot the revelations It Il Is 18 reported that leading member are Iro Im 1111 pressed with lIh tho the dangers of ot every lump sum lIum approprIation and will discontinue the tho of or all Items of or detail to 10 executIve dl discretion cl While It IH is OiLS ellS easy to 10 thUe c with the tho t feelings of ot administrative ru tIe live by what th they consider restrictions yet et there Is la no doubt that thal nil as Congress Is la lathe time the hotly body ultimately responsible for tor the time It Is IH perfectly perfect In III as UH assuming assuming suming control over details |