Show DIGGING UP OLD CITY archaeologist petrie to excavate in ruins of memphis cairo the most important excavations ever attempted are to be begun shortly under the direction of prof flinders petrie the celebrated archaeologist who has worked 24 years among the ancient monuments of egypt the professor has returned hero here from england for the purpose of beginning the excavation of memphis the anc ancient lent capital of egypt which has never yet been properly explored the sites of the temples at memphis which cover a great area include that of atah founded by the creator of the first dynasty adjoining it was the temple of isis and the shrine of the foreign aphrodite at one time a great cosmopolitan center it Is expected that memphis will prove a mine of sculpture turo and statuary a ry dy by mere chance nine statues have been found there already and systematic search Is sure to reveal a great store of treasures As a great capital and social center tor for years memphis should yield an enormous harvest the school of art at memphis was the finest in egypt and the temple of atah the god of craftsmen may be expected to contain its best work |