Show care for the birds during tho last year tho the audubon Au diibon society ot at Toul slana has hag rented somo some 17 bird breding I 1 fiig islands located in the waters of the ilio gulf last year tho the islands were watched by two bardens ardana ard cna whose w i paid by tho the national coni atteo ot of audubon socio ties and although they were nut wholly ablo able to prevent trespassing tres passing and egg nevertheless tile tho re su bull it were acie well nigh marvel OUS oua on their own and the neighbor IDS 1119 of oe broton breton reservation owned by alio federal government hy by cheso simple prove 0 o measures thoro there yeo were hatched and raised all ot 0 birds composed of tile tho follow ing species ep ecles common terns fo for I 1 terns royal terna lau 1119 gulls black country liag in ili america |