Show SPA IN battleships begin second stage of long journey the next stop being rio janeiro rear admiral evans evana expects to reach that atiat port within twelve days time officers and men shown ev every ery courtesy at port of spain port of 0 spain the amer lean can battleship esbil fleet weighed anchor at 4 sunday afternoon and steamed for rio Ja janeiro nefro accompanying the ille fleet were tho the supply ships culgoa and Ol glacier acler long before the hour set a myriad of small craft chiefly launches and steam yachts moved up and down along the lines of it anchored warsh alps tho the merry parties aboard shouting farewells to the departing visitors thousands of residents climbed the surrounding hills to view the great white ships as aa they moved outward on their journey the fleet presented a magnificent appears appearance nee na as it steamed out in four columns eitl the supply ships trailing a of four bour hundred yards separating one division from another with the connecticut in tho the lead the battleships headed for the baoas and steamed majestically through the grand ilaoa boba and thence chenco along the northern coast of trinidad an average of from ton ten to eleven knots will carry the fleet to the end of the second lap of the 1400 mile journey in about twelve days and it was announced by admiral evans before hla his departure that hat ho he expects to reach rio janeiro Friday evening january 10 during the week of their visit here the Amer american icah officers and men received every courtesy couite sy at the hands bands of the re residents |