Show ACCIDENT AT BYRUM fall particulars of the terrible casualty Cas nalty of wednesday the young man was buried beneath ten tons tom of gravel an awful blow to hn his aged parents EDITOR JOURNAL ort on wednesday morning last mr james ock eiman his big pon poa alvin ad aged e 22 and elat jorgensen aged 2 21 were loading sand from a hill situated above the old blacksmith shop south bouth of main street mr had left with a load for the baick yard and the your young men were acre loading another wagon when the wagon box had been about two tuo thirds filled alvin Ocker nian stepped out to benel the load and had bad barely readied the aa maeon oi w when h en t the h e bank ca caad ad in burying jorgensen under about ten tons of earth alin at once gave the alarm david and clarence nielsen kielsen wese unloading hay bay near by they bey at once came to his assistance an the team did not run away in a few moments over a hundred willing people were ready to help remove the earth from the unfortunate man ile he was found on his hia left side with the shovel handle across his bis throat death v was as instantaneous the day before the accident the deceased had bad straightened pile I 1 abo t d b be ife L e lid abou arou around nd the bank safe the accident occurred at about 8 a ril had the cave in occurred occur reil only a short shor 1 time before three men instead of one would have met their death in the evening coroner baler baker held an inquest over the remains before john F wright Ilen henry ryN M stephens aud and A B w when lien substantially bially the above evidence d ace en was given and a verdict of accidental eci dental death was re the funeral was held at 4 1 p un n thursday A very large congregation assembled to sympathize with I 1 the family consoling ud addresses dresses were made by elders 0 11 II rose kose peter chrisiansen iansen prest S M C C shaw and bp J F I 1 wright all bore testimony coony of the deceased as a quiet and industrious dust rious oung man and one who had bad been a great comfort to his aged parents all who knew him respected him deceased was buived in a baiek vault entirely covel coveted ed in w with ith an arched brickei brickwork ork without any dai dait t he was born in the land of the midnight sun still and his family as aa well inell as the young lady who was wag soon to become his hia wife have the sympathy of the T whole hole community C C P q |