Show 11 1111 r AM tSP SU il The Century A As 11 with 11 Lincoln so an with lIh Hay lIay the rough ed edges edge of untoward events event and Im Impertinent Impertinent pertinent Individualism were smooth smoothed ed ell by a lien lease lense of humor and H a parry parryIng log Ing and ameliorating wit The gifts were r different but analogous Likewise while It mil may be said laid that Nicolay had something of ot gravity of mind and Ind implicitness explicitness of statement na Hay flay had something of sentiment bre brevIty brevity ity and allet balance of st style tle le and Imaginative live tive grasp while thiis hUe both bolh aha shared sharel red Ih the mighty t ty Presidents President love of country and de to 10 Its III service |