Show i BOISE IDAHO STATE HOARD 01 OF Prison on Doors Open Opened 1 to 10 Affray on vel i Hood Special Correspondence Dole Bolie Idaho Aug 12 The state tato board of pardons in session thIs thin week granted full pardon lardon to lo Fred Ifred Howard of if f county and anti George Morrow Morros of Ner Nez ez Perce county count anti and parole to Seth SEIth Sleight of ot Bear Lake Inke The application of ur Hobert J K F Childers of or Idaho county wa 1111 denIed dented There were ore 1 10 16 other c eases cuell e before the board all ull of which except one which was wag postponed until Janu Jania January a ary were held haiti over Oer for tor the next meet Inset meeting In ing of the hoard board In October The of ot Tred Ired Howard and Seth Sleight coupled counted with the fact tact that I they have hae already served good sen for tor the crimes crime for which the they were vere ere convicted were the grounds up upon upon upon on which the tho granting of or their applications nero ere baaed aed In the tile case of leo Geo Morrow lorto there seems to be no now iton but little If It any doubt In the minds of the tho people who ho are acquainted with his hili case cae a as aM to his Innocence It will be remembered that tha t Morrow wa was II convicted about four tour years PRO ago for tor complicity In a II case of cattle cuttle steal meal mealing stealing ing InK anti and Was waH all to lo eight years earl In Inho Inthe inthe the ho state penitentiary four years ear of f which time he lie has hili already dy served It happened that Morrow trad traded d horses honce with another mat man for or the con consideration consideration on that he P Pa pay n R difference of 1360 1350 which the second party Patt promis promised ed to tb do 10 If Ir Morrow would assist him himIn himIn himin In driving a number of oC cattle to 10 a II ocr cr certain tam tain place Morrow had been drinking quite Julie heavily but bul promised to 10 do ilo this thill and while with the rattle cattle to tn the place designated they wele over Oel overtaken overtaken taken b by the of or the law anti and The rho question I Is did Morrow know the stock tock wa was stolen tolen Accord AccordIng lug Ing to prevent present ent Information there In Is room for tor doubt concerning hit his guilt HI utI pardon I is strongly recommended by the attorney who prosecuted hi hia 1111 ease cue and by the jury and the Ihl men from whom the stock was wan ae stolen tolen Tho citizens of oC NIl Nei Pore Perre county also alln pre canted before the board a numerously signed petition t Fred Ired red JIow Howard rd of CIC who wa was sentenced 10 to 17 years year aAr for tor commit committing tin rape and who 1110 has hat already served four tour years and two months of ot the time a iii as pardoned on recommendation dation clation if of the physician and aile the warden warrn owing to the tha critical con condition dillon of ot hi his health Howard I Is suffer suffering In log ing from a II severe ease case of appendicitis I The Seth eth Sleight of Hear Bear Lake count county who Is 18 serving a it term of H 14 months month for assault with Intent to commit rape wn wits OM on recommendation of ot the prison on physician who says the hay boy would live but a I short hort time Into longer if hi his confinement was Wal eon con continued The petition of nf Robert I F of Idaho county who Is II s serving a H sentence of or tout four and Anel A half years for grand lar list larceny ceny to which he pleaded guilty wits was u denied whose term terni Is II now 1101 about half halt expired t that he ho I li is Innocent of or the crime and that he pleaded d guilty at the time because he hewan wan tas Induced to do so 10 n The case ace that was wat held over oer until the January meeting of ot the Iho board was ua tha that of or William J LewIs Lewi of county who wa was sentenced to two years yearn for tor or assault with a I dead deadly I weapon with In Intent intent tent lint to do great bodily harm The following applications application for tor par pardon pardon don dOli were continued to the October f VM see lion Ion of the tho board George Holland serving 10 years for manslaughter lall Parley serving eight year ears for forrand grand rand larceny in county Fletcher Flelcher Ireland serving three years yean are for tor grand larceny In Gutter Custer count county Nelson hIggins serving five years for Cor attempt to commit rape rep In tn count county Harry Miller servIng three years for tor burglary In e county Joie Joele Killer Keller serving a I life sentence lenience for or the murder of or her husband huband In El Elmore l lnore more nore Count county David vid H hi Richards Richard 12 years fo r pe In county Samuel W V Rich serving six Ib years for Cor grand in In n N Nee tz r coun county ty l Al AI Douglas serving 20 10 years year for rape In Ada county James one year for tor for foret forg forgery cry ery In count county Urn lAm Tiley Tuey a Chinaman serving 13 Ii months for to commit robbery III In Ii Nez P Iere county n four our 1 era rOt for In JC II I ro Babcock four leur years tor toe i larceny laren In Lincoln count county Herman L serving ao 0 y years yar ar for tor murder In ID Blain flame county John serving one year tor far f grand rand larceny In neat fleet county FATAL SHoOTING A affray occurred yesterday at Randall Transfer fr on out the road In which harlem Charles Hanlin w was shot abot and instantly killed by Tom Little The rite latter had a II hearing rind and was wal dis ha discharged charged on the ground that the thi killing was wa Justifiable men came come from front together Little It seems eeme owed Hanlin und uni the Ihl hitler thought LIttle should pay the account They i were drinking to together lher and the ito subject I of the debt came up in the The testimony ut itt u the hearing that ivus us disposed d to be he ugly over ovet the tho mutter matter littie left heft and went to where he hail had pitched camp being tel fol lowed bowed by iy The latter upon ar livIng at camp walked over to a tree some 80 0 yards yard away where his hie gun was waa standing He lie picked up the weapon according to the evidence and tired fired at Little The thereupon secured his gun und fired twice at Otto One shot hot pierced his heart anti and the other struck him hi Iii the stomach Nothing Is of th the antecedents of Little Littles home In Ia in Boise where he hits bus busa a family |