Show BATHING AMONG IT W nm A ft dead area 1130 ft A breath ot of at macj fla balls baitx flapped the mas niambi niaM Ji he b holin I 1 I 1 Is bad all I 1 ott loit its power w r bad and tho i 10 at all 1 amed her licad head how mid find A bore fth atho rho heat was v aa intense so BO much so 0 o that th tho hief meta last lad told tho the boatswain boa taTala to los keep tho 0 stab out of lite th sun eun but bat tho the watch dolow found it tuo warm to sleep rind and wco cir onn netted mill lib not ratify gratify till tho the water afla out thoy lend had dr drunk all the previous das n nit nowr now that their scuttle butt wait wa dry bhore m waa nothing left for them but endure lice some ume of the seamen hall had congregated congre on no tho the foro castlo whore they il oc co the close lite ue water with boim ry boit it i how cool imd ana dour cloar lb looks look leia a tall fid young seaman 1 I dout dont dank theta aro are many sharks about te it tic do yon my for 1 L I bath lad ind t 11 4 y that for tile the I 1 A burst alm 7 z 11 fram om the hii V I 1 I a llly rod eod bath when tb tho bocon socon accord it mute all to goes oca in to denner lil fit about laic balf ao an hour tho the dennor tell r ang the boats tile took charge of the tb deok deck somo soma in twenty only sailors it era now strip poll except a pair of duck dack trainers trott aff among tho the rest WM was it tau tall powerful coast oe ro ot at tb ibo 0 ioimo ot of leigh aboy lead to joke oko anti and cull call him sambo aasebo I 1 you yale tenement no aft im to day ned said cald he be vlen mo me feard of huh bob shark nobber bito bit mo me suppose I 1 meet shark in ia water I 1 swim after han him run rue iko ike I 1 wm was tempted and like tho the rest WM was room oon ready iti ili quick succession wo we lamp ed cd off oct the yard the tha black leading 1 wo V bad ac arcely been in tho the water ilya minutes u it ben some borne voice boico in board cried out it A ithary 1 A shark I 1 in an every ono one of the iho swimmers crime tumbling up the bips bido aide liala mad with fright the ya get laut black among tho the reat real it was a fah falar alarm A a 6 fuu folt angry with ourselves for being frightened angry with the thom w bo bud bal in in li tencel w time nad and furious with those who had at hi we ere nil all again in tho the water the black anti and some distance from the ship bip por two successive sivo voyages there aad 1 d been a tort of riva llcy between us u coola banc fanc fancied led that ho he WM was tho the be beat at swimmers and is Q were now testing our speed well done nod cried agomo of too the a adlora ore from the forecastle esome 11 go it il sambo Sa nibel 1 cried some omo others othera wo were both our utmost excited by the cheer of our respective sud bud dooly bouly tho the yes boco cc of tho the was board A shark 14 a shark bharka f co como mo back for gods akol lay layoff aft and to loner or tho the cutter down dorn then cain carao family on out our ear car tho the raco race be st A fly ceased As aal yet we only halt half believed what we he a tilt our TO cout cant fright being still fields in our mern mem areas seem for gods goda sake I 1 11 cried tho the captain who WM was now dow on jock deck 11 ho he lots not seem you the boat if I 1 possible poa dek sible will get between you and turn lace sunhe out lads for god goan aliko ako i I 1 11 sly lily heart stood still I 1 felt weaker than a CLAM as aa I 1 gazed with boner nt at tho the dorsal on lin of A largo shark on tho the starboard to r though in tho the it ere the perspiration dropped from too luo liko like rain ili alio llio black as striking ng out like mad for or tho the ship 11 sann van ned dimill anim I 1 cried several ll 11 thoy they never talia black w hea the they jin an goll co white iary K J I 1 did ablin life aud and jap atly ra 1 M foamed poat inc I 1 soon breAtt od tle tale alack but could mot dob head boost him 11 a 0 huh trained strained every norre tab ta bo 0 first for wo we each too cecil tho the last man luna would bo be taken YO yet A e scarcely seemed to move I 1 the ship hip aft park red as tar as a or from ua wo ivo wore A ere both and both of us iia warn in tho the french woy way colloid called la a braw brasse or 01 band over band in the to was something tho the matter with till the abo boats falls and the bould not net lost to or hor bar ile ho seen ciyou you now bowl I 1 A u res shouted he is iii after you Is 0 the agony of that moment I 1 I 1 thought of even tiling at tho name earna instant at att hast so a it beamed to mo me then science long forgotten rushed through roy my brain with the rapidity of 0 li so in tho the midst of this I 1 ism n M striking out bravely for tho the ship each moment I 1 fancied I 1 could feel fed the pilot fish I 1 almost retrain ed cd v with ith agony ma 0 mcra v cro now not ton yirda front from tho the stop ahia fifty rova ropa were thrown to ia but butt as u if by mutual instinct 6 a 0 aw abom am for the panic I 1 lin finters I 1 they are paved I 1 aboy aro along done lite aido I 1 was shouted by the eager crow crew Is a both gio Kiel the ropo rope ati at tho the time a slight ensued I 1 had bad the ingliss Ingli cs sold hold of oe everything but ray iny om even safety I 1 placed my feet on the tha blacks black scrambled up the iho bido aide wid fell cx bausted on the jack dock tho the negro follow ed rearing iring ro with till pains pain for the shark hid inhale ankin aln awa pir of tit lifa beat since them taco I 1 have never bathed nt at mat boa nor I 1 believe hiu has sambo been a at heard again to aasebo but he would ecim after a beark if lo ho mot met ono one in the n ater |