Show EFFECT OF LUMINOUS PAINT 11 ir if you want to tome we sin an apparition of the virgin vo which aquil 4 hat fiat felon reputed fool to bavo been recently fichou in n I 1 iroy roy IN Y 1 and a good bod runny many other apparition you co CAB u so fcc them every allay said binl it ft member ol of Nc worL firm to a reporter corn cons ta an I 1 oto ato a perfectly dark loom x wits was carried to tant in u the daylight a r ed cd to lo to painted with athirst at first its aa abon an tile door WAS closed cloned allotting etli out the daylight the with wilh a early weird tappen rance a t soft bluch h light jt it iq as difficult to be clero ebat the light 14 no an dot thrown on ill the 0 s toi sctt e instead ol of proceeding from it T but I 1 t a b band d in fronton front of it seccie sord bluish tito it lit of oc the stitt lette glim me red in a so of ChIcon toy by thad phail uses OBB and partially ill 0 1 I n qc t the he room fallen ahat wai nt fiat a F some borne of ct the electric lightest Its lt presently paled into I 1 n translucent volivia bile tl of pu nty it looked liko like tile peculiar asset globy w whiteness of an iceberg can as described by arctic trav travellers ellers A ofa flying agot a of an allos tolio groats gro rifi tile abo rootlet of a i orm arm and hand baud and other objects vo acro ucro era to lowered arod ono one after another ft as they w ere entla I 1 IT from tin nn upper story etory into tile dark room and seemed not unlike from the blint world brought in that were fafri reliant to ono tablet a foot square nindo cande objects lie in the room plainly tend anil a plain globe bobc na as bonded frodi abo like a beautiful lantern a soft boft radiant light cither lame beat electricity nor phon noted to produce the Ithen comena but a luminous pault invented by a au u edgins chein int aud oil poll fold in fit this mar k act at tit alio production of to maps upon tho the credulous or to arnero the ibo curious there tire a number of useful put lioness to 0 which o thin point cau be I 1 it has hail been applied to the illumination of places where n llimo or of hrc fire or even no nn clec eric light would be dan d geroni it may he be earned with a powei r maga magadine inn gaino curit caulli tile hdldn of ships anil and places charged with and gides c I 1 abc be northern itsal my of angland all plied it to the interior of choir elitism coaches run mu long through tunnels to that the carriage so 11 local they entered the dark sties of tho the ta tunnel n 01 were immediately nice bave been pointed so ao abat they ire care comilla ly lighted nt at inget about artificial allu I 1 nation lin tiou esplor explorers ers elmo bio been able to vain an ladi terna coated nov with tit lon lomi noua inious point paint because it ft is cd by moisture and requires no oxygen to lo auit aut la in tiny auy dark place filin vi ith this point paint oro are made visible A man CAO can have the number of bisi boroo or tho neighbor hoof head of 0 tho the koj hole pointed d with it ito ho ean can have illuminated ito FO that he bo mill bo be guidell the pot boliere ho be con can strike a light tho the paint hin hall saliently uli caily wen been to illuminate a liny buoy at men nan 1 I ho he cap call tain of the arno amo sailing bobeen southampton eng eugling lind and ilia esic in dies bite on a TO ft 0 to porto face devir miles from st thomas diaco discoN crid erLd it n hand notes buoy n mile distant directly in hut ban course ito iio would vituld liaro have run lien ovar it if it had not been illuminated illuminat cil ito ho had never cover seen sua au thing of the kind before and reported it olson ins his aivao an aa a singular phenomenon 1 I ho he luminous producing noy nov el cl is m rondo made of aulph ido of calcium isaich posse tho the property of storing up tip tight light hc lien tho ilia light is vo withdrawn ith the continues to 14 milli tain for foi a considerable period tho the i vibratory abr atory mo tion that went on tho the light wait mail thore the principle tic in supposed to bo be analogous to that of larnt beat the property pro pirty of thu this lines looff long been it was waft first by an chernet in the ibo sulp tilde loss bo by beating various forms of limestone or oy ter shells with sulphur delphur ur in a coca ici I 1 he color coca can bo be mod ifield aal apparitions la id tints oan ito produced |