Show EARLY boole earliest Japs nasa printed books we WPM till of chinese clafin feat land and borka tho the oldest which hu hem come down to modern modem times tram produced stan a t 1200 lint it how that touch kill had been lecon attained bytha by thai th treat really work printed in ID janno watt the tb Nillo tagi or jastal hront brand alca all dt at tho the very tory end od of nt the StArt arenth cen ca airy although it luid hall beon been in existence in mot PrO probably bObly min AD whan thoi the japanese Japa Dnn hero coo can affirmed corset cored in ISO 1504 tho the joleene Ja Jol vene found that tile dia Corch iless had bweni employing copper hyp since the fourteenth ono cortin cort in book cpr to a d dat alej from 1317 rd and 1324 an d a fand A twenty year before the L cr alicel printed book known in ID europe and there to a distinct mention of tb the prod ivars dou of 0 type in corps by and aad canting bennung about 1420 tho rho japanese Jap noso imme cattily adopted 1 the and all ill their beoka see jor thirty or forty years jean afterward wore rare printed with movable but a 2 retain who WAR lade to blocks ill which ilba tinned to I 1 abe be usual for the iho baat ant majority of pub lical 07 illustrated japanese k fir H batad 1619 hol 0 of f popular goods eahl as old oia as 1017 j and i laki A ll budget |