Show FIELD rol bolt t A quest ol of among all the it la Is a remarkable lct fact tint that men him often express espres s their opinions opinion with the abe least reserve concerning 1 matters uil of 0 ch their knowledge 1 ii diott inexact for ft elfort time the abject ol of mining h has is been freely agitated which in this usually quiet and nl peaceful community Is it a no deviation in ill the matter of 0 current topics and as usual lo in such new features of public discussion there will be brought into file concatenation of 0 ideas many a 1 link th irwill be found ln in Eum clent tu ili strength to lier bear tile hie strain ol of ordinary criticism antl and lu in tills di ii to on the subject of willing etli its ita merits and demerits on eueral eu cral prill caples there Is also aho act a lit in dimly Flu tenil tl nil illar estimates of a noticeable lack of proportion but this I bloz tile initiatory stage at t 1 I bir it tile lie new subject matter is to a 2 prelim loary fit flon before being admitted into fr a more oer lons oil a test assay before applied to nn an segregation n m ben if found worthless worthies it may be rejected without 1 vc I c are arc less les to in our demands tor for true diio resul tr considering tile linen balno ns as to tile probable i emits lit in the lie ferll of pailag p iu ILI these mountain it le i ty by nu no means men differ in their on this subject aul and that us as yet the klotild bo be laell inclined ned to 10 prefix an lui full it to every probability as 13 to tile results rl ill such an air pu ell when aliett so little has been accomplished by actual development I 1 1 cut to silence the doublin doub tio Thonia acA IN ething can be more inore iia natural turl boever than that lit ID an air agricultural lile like this we ve should find A larger number of men uio the are better bi qualified to judge of the characteristics of good toil soil aad ils fis adaptation ol of the durability ut of tural implements the quality aust iced of illi mals and to estimate tire value of grain grai naud and beads iran to estimate tile lie contenta ofa of ii piece of dellill euln the per cent lit in ot or aide ol 01 abe quality ot lif A 11 ferr acid led lead as 0 a base in a the manufacture of ct paint uno tiling thing bon bol ever we M e may inny accept as pe trifled fact act and that Is ii that no ile mail inan eter will catch nature lit iii the bo act ace of 0 dis pla lug ing the fres 0 of a golconda on oil the ibo tops top ut lif the rugged cliffs cr r to confer the wonderful gift ot of midas upon sill any one of the olllie offlie pick and shovel nud and if inen were us as economical and con lit in their expenditure of 0 tim fmc e aud money lit in enterprise i its as nature is hilti in her yield of the precious metals there would be less cause for or re act lo in many instances than now Is the may bo be said both for arld and against ng as a popular kopul ar but any ally mail that has baa tile hie welfare of lila its fellow mail at he adalie all ubo contemplate going into toi loing to exercise caution anil and it if urged by nece city to chase it UA a i dicang ot of making a ivi lug ing to think once f el I 1 0 a 1 ill g I 1 t as a ul a r t lor for to think aliee aud and it if as a a ottery to make a for by thron log la in the last dollar to think thick three times beffre the ilhan decision is made loiero Is nol hin wion ionin woo working LInga a mine is leu heu one Is i lopint loi inT 71 and there la Is nothing wron wrong in selling belling the etc when extracted or even to sell the itself and get oil an honest price lor for it 1 but the lie chances where one nian inin can call adayan advantage of 0 at are e so 0 o many acid the temp temptations lations tu so strong iron that those falio he been successful andal presen presented pres ened ed their integrity can call almost be counted in ono one breath bre iuli rind berech bere cr a fortune la Is secured at elie sacr illee of bonor and truth peace of igind usually hiis has taken wing and departed anti and left tile bunn discontent behind itis it li by no lie me 1115 impossible bov or loren to C conduct mining upon an equitable tooting footing anti and to deal fair and acid square one with another but cut such aro are e extremely raio where 1100 this ali n li Is out for my city part parr if I 1 had a climac anmie or it place to nuke make one mud aud some land to cultivate clillie Clil lit etc I 1 raould never thir think 1 ul of wasting my any iloilo upon the mountain except it II it were ere for building material or wood in the game ratio that a man mail dahis tine fr lie lie he lose laith in luck nod and will 11 liesl L tair ere ho he his money for su fucali C 11 stuff as chances cli inces are arc made ot of experience gained in ili A g mud and billial Is often from the jet act that t there biere aro are mattly things to learn bell before a person can hope lor for an all adequate reward for hv exertions on and too many are arc led by de delesle lusle anti and false colore color and they greatly outnumber those it bo way liny be rewarded it lilt illi even a moderate ino success the oil oiin y plan ilan that I 1 would recommend to it 1 inclined to expel fedt in for in joining luli 1 li 8 very simple uple rind yet may be of use rise too tn in the first place I 1 would move cautiously anti anil avoid all unnecessary 1 waito ot of time and money I 1 where there is i no lie corl con odive eill cuci tit it val viable i il nod elicio hot 0 they hoy iro ire not I 1 ot 0 to O he be at or near the ilia tot top or Ns illila a lew few feet in ill a manner poll and character 1 as to abandon I 1 all doubt no bilier ill ii tiler lier clear eb should bo made at flieh polut alic Q precious at a certain spot pot Is list all InditA indicated ted I 1 with fill sufficient certA luty tb RI sati talley bly a person 0 of experience lit in alich matters to dech decide le beaber there are arc tat mat olfactory indications of at a true I 1 ven vc orleaf the ibo next surjeet joe consideration lithia to the amount anti and quality of ore found in such deposit sou aud whether tuch such ore w ill pay to bo be sill plied pr fir justify reduction oo on the pot IOL then nhen to apply As near 29 a possible only such woi klu capacity as ai can call be spared 1 tt I anju injury ry to alier and more inore important pit 1 1010 4 1 aud 1 d iu in the outlay of 0 woney money or of 1 ft 1 equivalent 1 1 1 aleut not dot to go td so tar far as to cause want or any otter other failure ile be these and similar suggest luns appele blo able litre here truly may aund sound trite but I 1 have known vi choso whoso hose economy aud anti sound found judgment would command comi nind regard everywhere vt here that have been guilty ot of neglect lit in this connection tj J sti li an went that while a fortune lorli iop lit in a prospect t they hey would fla frailly illy after having sunk all t their heir available lucym take ake the ho bread from A their aud A 1 T I I 1 1 ell cu tile ilian a 1 in it zett as fur far as possible until they finally found th el ki selves irretrievably y ruined tills jias ji as a ment perrou bocc tail bald about 1 a i sterile it crile diffly fact act 1 rait cam eardly describe with v what list emotions I 1 have contemplated latell abandoned prof peels a hole bole und and or a mon men ilow of a grai in that ills bas swallowed tip lip not dot a inadi sola mortal rema remain 1 a 3 but 1 what should hue hate kept iacia in repair until he bo hill had done wiep them there Is 1 alo a brighter mile to this condition many of 0 our richest matice oether lr lo 10 were a am 41 for I 1 ir pot ot tiow now csc 7 the 16 famous ontario blue nt at park aarl city had been bani trampled over lime and geln again tin lit ill a mr howard one morning eat at lown down the retired ami aind hungry to tn a Boll tiry breall fast m while bile surveys it alic e Wco brown rocks lilt tales of ii all over dvor aich AI ch the clear day lit lillar etc ol of lite ilia emst mt imst store boucle ot of silver that 1111 1 the ibe oace below I 1 clere 0 jagg jagged Jagg cil the roa that lint plied stratum on ar atilt oil tell lio lie hall hta LI le if I magrud at adil rt sted and bla icorn lain ramble lie he bail bad dIsco discovered ered one of the I 1 inot wonderful mines on in the ron eon lil lillens lent similar it less important ills co verlea have borell bor ell nitle made tordillo tor lillo men lickle bc trudged hii at their dearv wy amon rough gild rugged little worn out our bilth hopeless despair heil 10 soine lo in boy lab vision ot ilia eastern vil til ijac I 1 of 01 an 1 I luu ill I 1 where golden harvests follo followed ned quiet I 1 allago alovel above a peaceful so aall themselves back in u their homes among families find and friends fi yet thyge 1 I lie have thus succeeded it at last form but i a small dinall minority compared comp arcil with the many v hose search bearc W hn has been fruitless chere perhaps oo DO tint that r iio much care and b both oth in plan iod and execution as does docs min I 1 login ng in each of 0 its many branches nod and I 1 v who he contemplate trying their fortunes t in ibis ibi direction I 1 will ill find an nn am p ale c held field for observation and study to the in ull 11 extent ot of their callwitz r plinio r LOGAS sept hill issa |