Show j O AN Of MANOS SMAll Buying Confined to a Few Stocks Chiefly N Pao U S Steel And Smelting BULLS WERE ERE NOT AGGRESSIVE I 1 J In o II JUr I IKO 1110 Thrill Hut Mudo lull lie 1010 vr w YOlk Sept U There was AR a II re rC of ot late Jalo juc In the of today todar but nere wor of vf limited proportions and aDd tilt the demand was not 1101 o 0 urgent ur nl United Hum Rubber Improved IV I Distillers So BOo 1 J and New York Central hanU hanl Loc motle Smelling and II Sh 1 H to Q V Small tHO shown bv b A k Ohio Ohio U 0 II IJ 11 n U and buying bUJIn was as entered in HI fw t Sll notably United Sal Steel lIng lh hI were wre lt pc noLi t ln wa going on at al other i St Paul and South ern pm 1 a clue ek of If fM UX und of ut l St SIMI were w en n at ar 17 flitch nere Cre l and the fhe touched WI Union c sol Mid on 4 of ot its Ita I record Irhe of o Jum ed Ii i on two Iwo and Ind Brook Gas 7 point Great Northern t itaim J t f r e fH Mull Z 1 li m Mild 1 torI tem Il IJ central KM and Atlantic Coast Coa 1 1 11 JJ the Ih entire market t weakened nd St SI Jaul and were tre a II point th Ih Of t co s d little had l n lift ft of the rl r advance II d 11 II Later when the I cupper stocks taken In h nd Ih market fathered strength Amalgamated 1 1 IK J lo lu UP and Copper opper fl from a 11 moderate recovery there was little of ot Interest lo 10 I liar lie r of ot the Ihl roark markl t and an l by hy noon the Ih market was as were steady Tho difficulties In a following to 10 support price after arl they were put up III discouraged li I ny mm em cut after Tin rise rIPe or of Ji I on lar large deal 1111 Ins In Stilt er attracted at al St Paul went off 1 14 I before rore nd loul lIle K F 1 fold at al decline a of or 10 JO POl II 14 and Chicago o St Paul Jaul Hud lid Omaha 1 Minneapolis money rn 1 conditions offered no en lo 10 th b bull 10 put up liP though U It romr m morn rn caution trad Ird Ing b the bear faction lian L Texas TUlla and St SI Southwestern rn preferred wore forced down a point each hut but th Iha at lit LIVESTOCK O Omaha Sent IM 31 steady to 10 Native steers 4 t cows and S a W I JV f steers conr and helter ners lOrs 1 ft tan can and 1111 1 cahM cahu bulls and tags Iau li 17 et f U SJ 61 m J to 10 B ItA iT t iW hulk bulk fiM 61 III It I i c J pigs pl 1 market slow to 10 W 1 cents nl toner Yearling f 15 r 11 4 u 1 U lambs KANSAS CITY CIT Kansas Kanus Sept JM J market markel Native Mem tOO T GW native natle cows and 1 and hull bulls 20 j western steer teer 3 i cows COt 7 Hog MO 60 market to o 5 h cents lr Hulk of or sale salu C t C packers and 1100 light 6 pig Sheep lIt tOCO oj r market markel Mutton steady I Ill d lamb wether I range tC led fed cues eus 4 I Cf 49 CHICAGO c IMa Sept market i o steady Stockers aM feeder J 50 94 Texan 4 W S i rah 6 OO rum marktl I JlII r an tf bUI hr 6 Id heavy f 1 r I heavy htA D lights i 11 M bulk of Q sales fj 5 HOV market steady Sheep lambs amba WOOL ST LOUIS LOCIS v fit St J ll Wool steady Ter T r western t line Una medium Hj line fine JUJU PRODUCE CHICAGO I Chicago Sept SPI U ITh The local wheat mar kit opened strong and higher today Com house were fair buyers buu Decem ber opened i i l to 10 I 4 Maher higher at mi lo 10 i and told lold at i tj Tb The corn market was is higher nC nt ber opened to a higher at t to 0 Ci i and wera active stUre buyer of ot OHU December De r opened H HI lo 10 U 1 higher at EH to Its J and sold at III steady tead end and higher Jan uary Jary pork f opened 5 rent higher at lArd was II up ib at were high er r at lilt U UThe The became dull about allut mid din dill of ot the luston The close clo e was II strong trong und 4 j t higher Corn Prices were Ir steady all dw The close clo e waa II nUn with December at 4 up 84 flose Io e oi Uee i i l i Dee I I 4 OI ty T n t Ji Jan j ii I Oct Ocl sri elI Oct Ott I S ath mUftI 3 i t U C Flax and SlOAn StOAn AiD COI New Nel York Sept S pt U raw Fair J tU centrifugal M j tul li t sugar SU SUo Firm Cru Gj j powder ed Ill 61 granulated JW M No 0 7 i RIo Hlo 1 Ii 0 Sept f M iII lc f to r Ml I I I Weather overcast |