Show abraham Lincol ns love 1 I lot left off just as aa our beet AV U G green was about to delito low the ibo match between Abra abraham tiam lincoln and ami mry mary owens owene wix was broken aff c ff it was this way paid ail mr 1 I preen my congiu sancy nancy green 31 reen lad a grot strapping baby that she ebo was in tile tho habit of jag ing gio about ft bo borover rever bile went rose bly lincoln have i n icia for ot babies at any ruto rate he bo win will oot not in ID lovo love with this ibis ono and I 1 hemom 1 or very well wel 1 that when his bia son bob itoe was waa in the era crail ie lc lincoln used to lie on ilia hoor floor reading una and lot the of 0 war split life bia lungs dellior to bo be carried about tho ilia baaso it if mra lin lie coln happened happ enod to arrive home about this thi a timo there therie was trouble to the Ibal family amily for a lew few mi nutce but no or appeals could over ever malia make eitai a good cool durso lie ho would woold read bud so no far as appearances wont lio iko was dour to all infantile cries that hot came from lin his hope ful nl heirs when tho the balios babes grow TI ap P a bit and adil know something they hoy fon bonnil od in in their licit father a companion compi Dion and a fri friend ena but they lioy had to look elsewhere f or a durso 11 well lit at the timo time I 1 mentioned Li hall hai 1 grown very tory food of mary owens onil bull iho boomed to late quite a fancy ancy to him they together it grent great deal antl and fit ily as wits nudora tood became oni gabol l ono day mary ami nancy were going it a milo mile or so eo to a 13 neighbor s bull ani lincoln bout with will them As usual unal nancy took the biby baby and imaged niong with it although I 1 it t was R heavy to her she filo that lincoln lincola would om ciller air to shoulder the boy himself for or part ol of the iho dis taneo still anil so BO relieve her but it she eho hall had such they not realized for he bo put pat hii bit buijs 0 Js in ilia 11 IS pockets sell leiz arely sau by ill ibo 0 side or tor Mitry Mary owens without a glauco glance toward tile iho baby I 1 pretty soon mary coll cola an and a answered lincoln with ith short and eart bait then she refusal isol to fit at all odil nod by timo time tho the cud call of the journey was reached she fairly withered lim with lor ler glan glances coi did not know or seemed not to know I 1 what that the matter was anti and at lit last asked in an explanation up or blary said eaid ho he Y yon on to bo be iu in 1 a bid bad hamor 11 I 1 oil no do she replied mockingly im na as purring and good snored an all a ii kitten itten what ill id the to to tullis a body r doiy a y its ice something Bomol hing ivo ive done I 1 sup aup pc pow fw sold eald lincoln no replied mary tartly a its nothing youve done ita it s what you yon faint done and lint tho matter 11 I 1 well what is it said bind lincoln you yon dont know of courel ro allond 1 i mary disdainfully no INO ill id be hanged it I 1 10 lo 10 said lincoln Lin colu a well ill tell lell you yon said elid mary you lor walked yer for moron a milo mile with willi ne na a groat great strong teller like yon and let tint that woman curry carry it a baby jim weights nigh onto lorty forty pounds bud and never so eo much as filled er hoger to help her 1 hots what nili ads too rue a why she never devor asked mo me said lincoln a ou oll she ho and you politeness lit eness enough to c or to bel 1 hor her but bat must wait to bo be askell il 1 why I 1 sever never thought of ct ita it re to turned reel lin lincoln colo A I 1 alwag always il li i would bo be afraid to IA LL fellow liko like mo me touch the abo baby for fear ear ho be might break it or id carry a bushel of 0 on em tor for yon mary yos vos now said 3 iary bitterly 11 I 1 any time said eaid lincoln it if I 1 asked you 2 responded respond M mary oil I 1 fealon you yoa could ask ma isyou you wanted them carried retorted lincoln 1 I 1 just tell yoa what it is abo lin balu cried ilary Mary gelling gotting excited any man as ig ia ht fit to bo a a would havo have offered to a car cabrielli carri oil that child when ho he could see aeo its iti mother was near about tired fired to death a and I 1 offer said eaid lincoln a no yon responded mary and so eo I 1 aint lit fit to bo be a husbard hus lius baud said lincoln thais jaet tho the fact you yon ain aint said eaid mry mary lincoln turned about with a laugh langh and appear to think thick much more of the iho matter lie he treated mary very nicely and much as i if nothing had been said eaid but her words worda no do do dolbt n bt made a serious bion for from tint that time her intimacy begas to wane and alter after it whilo while there wow woo a general understanding unac that tho the engagement was ivas canceled thoro there were no worda jorj a about tho the baby I 1 believe but it was wa the baby a after I 1 ter all that brolo broke up the ho matala chicago Int erOman |