Show mu music 10 and Musk ians EDITOR A few musical points may bo be of interest tc conle it if not to all it is a awall nell known fact that music is ia one of the seven liberal A arts arts ara and to say eay it has ch charms arins is to let lat it down mildly when we consider tit the vast amount of indic we recently herd heard falli upon our eira ears like tile the crystal dew drops springing from a diming iming fountain in the forni form of brasa bands young youn ladies glee club and tile the celebrated igo brudie glee club music as arl an art according to tj some Ni writers need fear nu no cluid irison with that of any other wh etherl it oe poetry painting or sculpture culp no mo other art indeed is 19 so complete a boon to all classes of society all al I 1 other arts require education before they v ran bel be enfrid foid sculpture p binting the 1 ng or poetry w try ion f for 0 r instance oro readies reaches tile the emotions ns of f t the b e febi indirectly through tile the intellect while music will appeal directly to avery class tiie the soldier tile the sailor tle the t chool boy in tact fact all delight in good music but while chile our bands banda arc doing well it will not hurt us to try and do a little better we lie never er grow 00 loo oo old to learn hence I 1 think oar manner of playing would lie be greatly improved and certainly IV more plea pleasnt slit for the people to listen liste iii t to if better attention were given to tile the kind L ind of tone lone we produce and carefully natela that our instruments acro nor in perfect turie tune and above all to SO ati ical icily v obnere the tha advise of our band master there should only be one leader or r waster ton to a bawl band whether they be a bawl band of singers or a brats braes hand band 11 how often will a bund band master tell the one man not to play plas vo fo loud load and tho other wan inan that plays the tenor horn not to crack tile the instrument still that band appears appen raon on the street and advise is not headed beaded i used in this manner 1 w ill not only inar tile peace of the few but ery often the cause of an ail unjust critico criticism m by the public which effects all members concerned all musicians understand der stand that pol or is is a very necessary consequence in brass brags band music yet we should n apt t oveila ok the fact that when power A is used or a louder glouder tono tone needed it should be produced and not the alic velocity increased inci eased the moment we accelerate the peed of producing that tone or to cause tile vibration to appear appia sudden and strong the tono tone be loines impaired and tile the in inoru out of nine little is tile the result good qualities of tone departs when the natural laws of acco ustica are not observed it should be said tu to tilt the credit of our logan I 1 loys th thal it tile they are never found asleep in this regard whenever they appear on tile tho street you may be ait aa their instruments havo haio been pre ly iv tested as a to tone loin and ail of us an boys boya that lint belong to hands bands in this beautiful valley alley should renie remember niber that the popularity of tile tho logan band is riot not altogether oi oving ing to their lion wonderful darful play playing yin ilg bu but t rather to the careful part inana e nent and tile the refined judgment ill i tone coloring so io far does the G j W V thatcher band of logan excel axce 1 in this particular stu study fly tit that at they stand today a model in utah their general discipline and observance of part registration and points which I 1 have mentioned places them at once in the front and N will ill col the admiration mira mi ration tion of any public I 1 1 we 8 should albo bare in ill wind mind that the law that goehns t tins he mode of breathing and abid tone expression is as well uell as proper partin ph rtin will al also ao apply iu ill tile the great faini annily lyof of instruments H strict obbert ance of which will cultivate tile tato and render reader the judgment keen yours tl giuly lily CAI froe |