Show LOGAN may 11 1892 EDITOR JOURNAL seeing that you announce your columns open in discussion to both sides aides I 1 offer you this letter lor for publication while I 1 am a republican and I 1 believe an all honest one 1 have leave also read tile tho JOURNAL ind and have not been with without out respect for its position and its reasoning but I 1 do not now nosy propose to discuss an any y ol of the daily issues my beshe is to protest against the publication of such communications communication sas aa those that have lately appeared from tho the pen of a smithfield Sinith field corre on den tisho who signs himself zid zad kiel I 1 think I 1 know the gentleman and I 1 do not desire to question his motives if the writer is the person I 1 think of he be could have no desire to do arong but I 1 do question his wisdom and your judg ment in g the open anti ami public discussion liscus sion of tile the subject ilzade zad kiel has thou thought 0 babest best to write about I 1 that public men for public retain acts may a Y c justly receive public criticism but I 1 a do not think it right lor for any attack or criticism to be made mada upon men holding offices they may go 0 wrong but is when tic they do it is not f or us to undertake to set then them ri right th that at it la a matter which belongs to those holding still higher ecclesiastical ecclesiastic 11 positions sit ions and is not in in wy my opinion a proper subject for public critis ro in moreover I 1 do not belice that the gentlemen men named were I 1 ere guilty of the oro erces S charged against and aen even though they L true I 1 desire to enter my my solemn protest against it the statement in your last caper paper about a lady who was mas employed in the temple teaching a abild to be a republican is is a grave offense surely the woman had a right to do so but I 1 must say I 1 do not beli e ve a word is ord of the statement sta temen t some things should be gained to your readers and to your our correspondent as good a man mail as I 1 believe believe him to bo be and as well mell meaning how can ho be expect the people to hae bane confidence in the authorities when ile he takes men to task because they mix in politics ile he does wrong rn to the people the religion and the a authorities who should be respected by us ili and lifted up rather than ariti cased A 11 ite EADER |