Show afier tire the ir irn falatic Colle pany I 1 N ft ll 11 1 12 1 ISHI sill 1 km halt real jit adi us i ehrl silt lalo S club to a 1 fair house lust list eve alic lie tri wits ivas in ill all end ance and ami executed nino 11 the presented liy by the co I 1 FIR Il lre illing up the terrible of a jeal int husband was fairly not so 1 nall I ell bom evi atris r as IV viti its the then cowl bic piece ce I 1 lis ia 1 I tile plot lie t of this isla alty wi I 1 that A I 1 ain nil ril engliski Engli gil sli 11 a I 1 total foual a near icia tive of liia his in a 1 fieh ernin its liti lint on oil tit nil isi and in Donni ark this re littile wit wat a young voting girl mho had been a liy v a poor loor aud and hall had fallen in lovo love aith tile only 1 01 t anti cho to lelli full in ill than accompany her relative to wealth and nobility this thin is il mi all play but was baily lilt louic chalk wa iii lack of con oil of character liy by nearly all the perfo illo lateri acter of tin lieu alliy I 1 1 I 1 w as t taken tied all well hy by the more rehearsing anil and training is ie wry cry inucci nettled to pre hent tl to advantage be fore fifty intelligent au dieneL the lat lal la t piece dell sigr sage sile si le wils a 1 farce in one act showing billat n hut man inan hns has ner the fair tc tex two bad into covenants mith each cadi other that thai life they nover never noum mould duarry that they never could treat the opposite box bex only EVA n friends fri but ficara the hie bottoni bottom of their beatts mould ilis pio ihrig because ther bad once been dec denchel chel lifter after num nuni croin crous to by two young g men 11 ho had desperately fallen in love with willi them thein to break brcak tile hie barrier the meak ones at isia berol ercil Ij anti arc this was wag a gool anil and us as ical played a As was as expected after sech 1 tile tho iiii second picco the sing kinsing g 1119 very itaf inferior tile working vo eking of tile tho curtain wai any send every thins thin but tobt I 1 we attribute the anne of tile the failure of tile thu coni cO Dipiny pany to present their I 1 pcr c r lotillA nce in an artistic manner to tile tho defeat nf nathe the peoples party parly in in the city front froin whence they catine ciu iii if 1 f tile they collie coine to I ogan ag aaen al I 1 n the they our IF F I 1 1 11 to train been anti and get the niggling sig gling from brorn ji ints I 1 I 1 EN I 1 K |