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Show THE QUESTION- OF A GOOD BROODER HOUSE CUtaK , n lm,ChPd ln' rule i " !'10 nlm0st '"variable f,rnn, PJRC0 lhcm' ln "roodera or a? fT U,0URl' "cclonally ih 7 l!' 0,,n,, Wh0 refor 8lVO cl ft"' They w,n "Qlro M wbere ohTT" ,h hww- hut where chickens are raised In consld- K, "'.'"J", tho labor of caring for them in brooders or brooder houses is less than It would bo with hens w.,?n,, "f thc n,ctl,0l8 nw Invariably preferred. H Is by no means an easy matter to ? resulato nn out-of-door brooder nB to secure satisfactory results. With prnctlea ly nil the brooders offered In ho market, tho regulation of the tern- lumlT 'V mat,or of considerable dlmcully several automatic contriv-nnces contriv-nnces for controlling tho temperature n brooders have been placed upon tho market, but none of theso havo been found to satisfactorily accomplish tho objects. In view. Tho variations in outdoor temperature arc very wldo Kxpoauro to bright sunshlno will cause no temperature to run up very rapid-ly; rapid-ly; while, on tho other hand, tho dls- . I I : II I f 1 m it" ,' v ' , . l ' 9 I pit Cdiip x t f l II nil , Mwflow II I! II II II 1 1 III III HI & 8 to Jb) Ground FVn Plan of a Brooder House. appearnnco of the sun behind tho clouds or tho coming up of a cool spring wind will causo an equally rapid fall In temperature. Outdoor brooders brood-ers should, of course, he set In as sheltered shel-tered a location as possible. It might be easier to regulate them If they should stand In tho shade, but sunshlno sun-shlno Is essential for the well-being of the chickens. Satisfactory results with outdoor brooders are, for tho reasons rea-sons which havo been briefly referred to, Impossible without rather close watch and constant attention. Tho brooder Is much moro easily managed If It stniids under cover, where tho variations vari-ations In temperature will be relatively relative-ly small and If the room In which tho brooder is placed Is so constructed that the chickens can get Into tho sunshine, sun-shine, tho conditions will be as good ns It Is possible to mako them where tills stylo of management Is adopted. In the management of brooders, ns In that of Incubators, it Is tho part of wisdom for tho beginner to closely follow the directions furnished by the manufacturers. Tho plans of the brooder houso shown herewith provide for oxterlor dimensions di-mensions of "OxlC feet. All posts and L&''m i " End Elevation of Brooder House. sills that como In contact with tho ground arc KyanUcd spruce. Framo spruce. Front and mlddlo posts four by four Inches by two feet, back posts four by four Inches by threo fcot, all set five feet npart and two feet Into ground on stones at bottom of holes. Sills two by four Inches spiked to posts. Studs two by four Inches, ono over each post, sawed beveling at top to suit pitch of roor. Plates spiked on top of studs. Hoof timbers two by four Inches, two by six Inches apart between centers, and can be lapped on center plate If short lengths are us d. Theso nro toe-nalled to plates. Covering boards are hemlock. Uoof covered with prepared roofing and sides claihboarded over building paper. Studs of two by four Inches are placed at each side of window frames. Windows ore without hinges, and nro swung In by means of one-Inch squore sticks from alley. Triangular side pieces attached to window frames pro-vent pro-vent sldo drafts. A piece ono by two Inches Is nailed ncross from ono trl-nngulor trl-nngulor piece to tho other to keep win-dow win-dow from falling Into pen. Window slides up against this piece of roof when cord running over pulley Is pulled from nlloy. Windows aro fitted fit-ted with detachablo frames outsldo covered with one-inch mesh wire. Sliding doors operated by cords from nlley, nrc under each window. Pieces of two by threo inches are spiked ncross from center studs to back postB near ground. From heater end of house to the other end each two by threo Inches Is one-half Inch higher than the ono beforo It. This gives a pitch of six Indies In CO feet. Upon each two by three-Inch nnd parallel to it Is placed on edge, and nnllcd to tho center stud, n pleco of pine board ono Inch wide and three foot two Inches long, lapping two Inches on to stud. Against the ends of these boards next tho alloy long boards ono Inch wldo nro nailed at right angles to the two by thrco-lnch pieces. This makes lower portion of wall between pens nnd alley, Notches are cut In tops of cross boards to receive pipes. After tho pipes aro In, another set of boards like tho others Is placed on top of the others, mnklng a tight fenco between be-tween pens and between pons nnd alloy al-loy of a height of 2 feet. . The heater pit Is walled with stono and cement, and tho floor cemented. Tho heater has a 17-Inch nro pot. Pipes running from heater to headors are 2 Inches nnd brooder pipes are t Inch. Expansion tank Is at top of pipe set In ono of top outlots of henlcr. Top of expansion tank close to roof, j Heater drattB are controlled by electric elec-tric regulator. Operated by thermostat placed under pipes of first pen. About 8 Inches of pen Is fencod off for this purpose. A second thermostat opei atcs bell In sleeping room of attendant attend-ant wherever It may be. The first governs tho temperature vithln 2 dog., while tho second rings bell In case of accident to tho first, If tho temperature temper-ature runs up or down 7 deg. from normal. Pens nro SxlO feet outside tho plpo sections, which are Sx3 feet. Pens nro separated by boards 1 foot wldo and above that 1-Inch mesh wire 3 feet wide. Holes aro cut through tho separating sep-arating boards by which chicks may bo driven from ono pen to tho next One-Inch mesh wlro was laid on tho ground and nailed to the sills before any of the insldo work was started. This Is to keep out rats and Is burled under the dirt with which peiiB and alley are filled. There aro 12 penB, tho heater pit nnd a room the bIzo of two pens on the other sldo of the pit. Doors In .both ends of tho building. Chlmnoy Is of tllo set in galvanized collar on roof. No hovers aro used, tho open plpo system being preferred, Hovers woro not successful and wero discarded. Tills houso Is n successful chicken raiser. |