Show BREAKS OUT OF JAIL Ills UN Summit Stunt for tho the he I man who 11 bo some seine eSt a a o 0 Invented the act net and std went Into vaudeville under the 0 tag g none name of running Cunning gave a I sekI audience of ot i pollee eUkers DUker county count cum corn newspaper men and aDd theatrical 1 cal folk a f few thrills ewe owr at i yesterday afternoon Cunning opened the unit bull by lJ hit that list h hi could get et tt out of ut th tOw the new n ten e with III he thIngs thing In tn bars and nd leeks ks In iii A K few t minute Subsequently he lie h de good hii In tn iu tr HI to 10 the of th the ti Ily II way a sy nf ot In Ini ills i movement Manager ui u of I lOin tle asked MUn chief hlf of 6 e to hung out the tM late latest t the he lie had in tn handcuff a shackles etc plc and Punning down doWIL Two Iwo IU Oregon nI n boots were lIr brought tutu Into servIce and placed around rah lh r ankle and nd then thell they were ere locked w se curti to 10 ach cach ch kg Ipg Ith a II patent screw I Ir cre r ko 4 which wai 1111 S banded over 0 tn to the us UP u ut t t I tody tedy tOO of a nina man Then Cun un uno o legs leg I were iere d and ad a II pair lAIr I of oC handcuff WiTS were placed mound hi hili by r arIA In A eec er I 1 ond end laIr nf or were wr on nil his wrists wrist rit by Patrolman Harris Harri who thai lb ha they th wen r the Ihl fr iry ry thing In bracelet bracelets In n l I he hI had hadon only on I secured them from rom this est cast a II few I Ii i 1 t wc week I ago sg The Th e rr were mere ft locked with witha Ii 1 a combination k k after having hain been n or orI I U It took look shoot bout five h mInutes minute to hl hO icy II fm the hI chiefs chiefe nm to tl otie tte 01 lit of f thi tI n nf w steel III rage cages of ot the city i Th ml r o nT I S thc Ih en n mate roaf exhibit it lIed III M KII 11 x iver er the thi le lef 1 I f t th the Ined men man en N Nr isS S r l 1 by b the tbt officer and nd J running we All A placed tn Ut one on of t the tM ther If r fell ant and It the Ole door doer I with a II patent I 5 eer r drice dItt cannot be ei 1 lions fl the cell 01 He lie II was then thea lift h ft atone tone whit all retired and tot lot tork k up ur in tn the Ih Nil nail behind Mill the th Ie locked door l 11 minute mInutes and 11 U II J I iter ater a 1 knock k was tIU beard on n the t door do r r Captain opened tt It and arid there Hf od the In III lul ut free from his hili shackles checkup and irons the 1 door II as and inside IId on w tI pp Itar 1 an and on In th the wt It I ha the he dl |