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Show DEMOCRATIC TICKET. H $TATE H: for Justice Sil r- inu Court: ' It N DASKIN. jFor Conrn'smao: BU1GIIAM II UGBRTS. H COUNTY. . -For Stato Scyinto: ABEL JOHN EVANS, Lohl. A 6 SMOO I', Trovo. For Stuio Hi))rc?ent,itl.vcs: JOSEPH LAl'ISH, American Fork. J.OHN E BELTS, I'ltyson. JIAUIKUS LAUSEN, Sp'lsli For);. V1 M ItOYJ.ANCE, Spi lunvlltc. For County Commtsslouurs: A M DAVIS, Lohl. JOS T McEWAN, Proyo. B WM B HUGHES, Spanish Fork. For County jJhurllT: B GEO A STORKS. Sprlogvlllo. For County Truiigurar: p F MALM BERG, S.intnquln. For County AHsessor: 110 YAL T 11UISJJ, Fuyson. For County Attorney: -JACOB EVANS, Provo. For County Clerk: GEOIUJE IIAVEUCAMP, Provo, For County Recorder: MAY BUOWN SPENCER, Provo. For County Surveyor: ANDREW ADAMSON, Amor'n Fork. PRECINCT, pnovo. , f For Jusljco of the Pence: JACOB F GATES. For tfonstitblo: WHEN WILKINS. SPRINGVILLE. For Tustlco of ttio Paneo N II PACKARD, For Constable: LEE BUYER, LEHI. For Jtmtlcp of tlio Ponce; ROBERT GILGIIR1ST. . For Constable: D T FOWLER. AMERICAN FORK. For Jiutlco of tlio Ponce: JOHN Xf CHJ.PSIAN. For Constablo; v GEORGE H WEBB.' FLEASANT GROVE, For Jiutlco or tlio Peace: ALFRED W HARPER. For Constable: , EZRA F WALKER, SPANISH FORK. For Justice of the Poaeet JOHN J BANKS. For Constiblei REES D JAMES. PAYSON. For Justlco of tho Peace: THOMAS II WILSON. Fur Constable: THpMAS CLOWAHD. PROVO BENOH. For Justlco of tho Pence: B JOHN S PARK, B For Constable: H PUAS E OR AN DALL. OA.LEM. For Justlce of ttio Pence: H HJLS FllEDEWQC&EN. For Constable: jm WM H GARDNER. B SANTAQUIN. JB For Justice of the Peace: H EDWARD BENN3 JT. For Constable: B J I CI1ATWIN. GOSHEN. For Justlco of tho Peace: H JAMES GARDNER. for Uonstublo: JH WM EDWARDS, B LAKE VIEW. B For Justice of tho PtT.ce; J, JOHN NDTTALL, JR. B For Constable; . . B GEORGE C SCOTT, JR. MAPLETON. B for Justice or tho Peace: JOHN H LEJ2. B for Constable; B LAFAYETTE JOHNSON. B LA.KE HORE. B For Justice of the Baape.: B JOSEPH FRANCIS. " B FfirpoQstable: M AIOR MFVSOM. B' It HIGHLAND. For Justlco of lie Pohcc: S MOYLE. ForConst(ble: PETER BECK. VINEYARD. For Justlco of tho Peace: CUAS 0 CRAIG. For Constnble: WARREN HOLDAWAY. ' BENJAMIN. For Justice of the Peace: SHADRAOH M RICHARDSON, For Constnble: JSAAO G SHEPIIARp. Chairman County Central Commltteet A O SMOOT. Secretary County Central Committee: GRANT 0 BAGLEY. Address: Provo Cliy. Utah. Cut and Slash ! Some barbers do; some don't, Wo do all flrst-rliiss toinnrlnl work as taught by yeaits of experience. Drop In and give m a trial. i. W. SCOTT Tpnoria! fyrfat PROBATA AND QUARDIAN8HIP NOYICE8. Consult County Clerk or Respective S guprs fir Further .Information. In the District Court of tho Fourth JnaleiM Dlnlrtct. In und fut uiivh Count r, Stuto o! Utah .1" tbe nutter of the cstute of William uoaiti. deceased. NOVICK - Creditors will present claim-with claim-with voucher tp the undorNlgtic.l nt Hpunlth .VSJfU Cltr, Uialt, on or before Fchruury 13, . W1LMAM J. ItOACII, ....... . AdmlnUtr-tcr, llllixn: Crocr nttorncy for ndmlnlttrator. ..Oated nt lrovo, Utnh, Oot. is, IBM. IPIrtt publleutton Oot. 13, IPWS.1 n In the District Court of the Fou'th Judtclnl r)Iirlct, of the Stuto of Utuh, In nnd for Utnh County. In the mtttcr cf tho ostnto of Edward F, Qrnvea, deceased NOTlOn OF 8Al.F.Tho undorsluned wilt sell nt private alo the toU'ivrtnR propurtr, t(-win t(-win The right to iho t oiwsnlon of certain luntls Hltuate in Orard County, utiih, known im the Cottonwood ranih, which connlsU or nbout fortT acres of luccmu land, mid other lat.di iikcd for paituro una ranch pm-poxi-H, fttiuats 0 Iho Cottonwood crcelt uud In tlio Uojk inountsiliiR, toKothcr Willi tho water rlKhtft ccitiiit-otcd hfrrwlth, nml thu tmprovclnrnU thereon, consisting of cntitas, corral-, fences nnd other Ilxtiirt'SHiid nppurlonancvHi Pu tons lit lui'trnu hny Icn.ited on sale ranch, kit of blavkimtlh nnd ciirncuur tools, II head cattle, 3 lalvus, is head of hornos, UeorliiB monliu ni.iehlne nnd hay rake, X old wnpons, n nil of ImriH'ts. rlilhiK Huddle, 8 pack ndillutt, i plow, 1 tun .w 1 whcelhirrow, I soraper nnd I com eh, Her, on or nf irr Momlny, the T'li ilny or November. No-vember. A. U. 1I9J, und written bid wlil be reiTlvrd by th,o u cersi lined, nt American Fork Cliy, Utah Tcrins o' Halo u.ikIi. Uwful inomy of thu United ht ilca. ttibd paid upon ucnllrmalliiu of sate, by nnler of thu court. Jamk J. UiiAVPs, Administratrix. Uko. CDNNiNOHAM. administrator. KInu, Uurton & ICIn, nnd (Irant O. Uagloy, Attorneys for Administrators, IKlrst publleatloL Oct. SO, 189S. NOTICU- -Notice of sole of real ostuto at prl-rnto prl-rnto sMe. tinder nuthorlty of nn order of sale granted bv tho District Court of tho Fourth Judicial District, for Utah County, Stuto or Utah, dated Oct.tt!, 1K9S. I wlllsotlntprlvuto nulo tho following fol-lowing described real estate to-wtti Timeout half of lot 4, block 40, of pint "A", Spanish Fork City survoy; also one-fourth of u shire uf nnuiillvidod tntarcstof whit Is known ns tho Spanish Fork pasture Tho sale will be mado on or after tlio Dth day of Not ember, IbOS.nud bids will be reculrad at the residence of the undersigned In snld Spanish Fork City. Terms of sale, cum, upon tho contlrmattom of said sale. Oroiioh W. W'll.KlNS, Administrator of tlio cstalu of George Mayer, dcceasivt. 1 ited C-Jt SS, 1808. Win. Crcor. Attorney. First publication Oot 0. IR93. NOTIOB TO CltKDJ rOKSJ, Bitnto of William Holt, deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned nt Spanish Fork, Utah County, Stoto of Utah, on or before February 18, 18W. Dated thlsSrth day of October, 1K3. John l. llm.Tand SAUUBI. Ifol.T, Administrators ot Estate. Warner & Itnutz, nttornevn IFIrst publication Oot. 20, 1893.1 SHEIIIFF'S SALE. In tho District Court of tho Fourth Judicial District, Utah County, Statu of Utah. Ana llunson, plaintiff, vs. Hani. Hanson, defendant. de-fendant. To be sold at Sheriff's Snloon tho 10th day of Ilov-unber. A. D. 1808, at tho front dour nf the .'ounty Court House, In tho City of I'rovo, County of Utah, Ulntoof Utah, nt 12 o'clock M. the following dcsorlhcd property, to will Itegliinlngten(IO) chnlus West of tho NE cornerof thoSE M ot thoNW H of Section II, Township 8, South of Kango 3 East, Suit Lako Meridian, thenca WcstajUl chains; thenco North 6.00 chains! thonco East 30 (W chains; thence South &.bd to tbn place of beginning. Area )5 acres. Situate in Utah County, BlaU ol Utah. Togother wllh all nnd singular tho tenements, tene-ments, hereditaments and appurtenances thoreunto belonging or In unywUe appertaining, appertain-ing, also all watar right belonging to said land. Geo. A. hTOlltiH, Sheriff, Utah County, utnh. By Itohert E. Knowlden. Deputy Sheriff, Dated ut I'rovo. Utuh, Out. $3ti, 1809. Warner lloutz, Attys, for Platntlm. First publication Oct. "), 1803.1 Motel Wiglitman. Bssl Accommodations. Headquarters for Traveling Men. W. I-I. FKANCIS, PROPniETOR. Payson, - Utah. CURRENT TIME TABLE. In Effect July 17,1808. I.KAVB I'UOVO 1'OIt EV8T AND EOUTII. No. 2 For Uriiiul Jtincilou anil polius East 0:33 a m No, 4 For Oruml Junction nml points Era 8:50 p ni No. 0 JforSpnimvlllo, Tills- llu Shi pete nnd Uiclilli'lil 1):83 p m No. 8 For .Sjjrluuvlllc. Span- Fork I'nyson ami Km-okii 0:30 p in LEAVE FltOVO FOK WEST. No. I For Suit Luko City, Oirilon nml tho West... 11:13 u m No. 3 For Salt Luko City. Ouilmi nml iho west... 7;47 p m NoC For Am. Fork, Lohl. nnd Suit Lnko City .., 3:58 p m No. 7 Fur Am. Fork, Lohl nml Salt Luke City 8:27 d m AltltlVE ntOVO KHOJI EAST AND SOUTH No. 1 From Doiiv.nr, Ornud June, nml pnlntH Enst U;13 a m No. 3 Kri'iu D"ii'i'r, Gniml No. 5 Fr mi Sprlovlll.-. Thh- tin 8:inp"to, Itlclilleltl 3:53 p m No. 7 From Sprlnxv'lc. Spanish Span-ish F'k, l'uynon, Eureka 8:27 a m Altltl YE AT VUO O FIIOM WEST. No. 3 Fjoui Ciillfnrnln, 0. dun unil Silt Luko City 0:83 a m No. 4 From California, Ok- dnii anil Silt Liko City 840 ui No, 0 From Suit JMh City, Li-lii unit American F'k 0:83 a m No. 8 From Snlt Luku City, Lolil nml Amoilonii F'lc 0:20 p m Tho only lino to 0lun unci Denver whlifitit cniinjjH. Free reeling chair cum mi throuirh I ruins. Through nlu'M'ltm o:irs lo Denver, Kanis Cliy, CliiciiKiij I'ortlnn'l nml Sun Fninclncn. El-'ffiirit cniijppiuont, Btfoiy, upceil htl'l Cinnfnit, "f p. C. UodoBj S. H. Babcock Gen'l Jlnn'upor. Tralrlo Mauser F. A. Wadi-eioh, perjernl Pugtanger JLgMt. 1 When4 visiting I Silver City, c call -at the I 16 to 1 Saloon I ' ' -H ffl (Opp. l'nxmnu liotcl.) ' Sam Levy's Famous H Q Cigars, and all kinds of 1 Liquors always on hand. fureka. Soon. Headquarters for all travelling and mining men. Nothing but first.class trade and the best of goods handled. Finest fl brands of Wines and Liquors for family trade. fll BfllLEY & VINCENT. Center St., PROVO. 'H WM. M.' ROYLANCE, I SPRINGVILLE, UTAH. PIONEER FRUIT Hi PRODUCE MERCHAU! I OF UTAH COUNTY. AGENTS im.... PayB ,tIah 1 . M Stlldobaef for Choice S Wagons, Etc., m ' 1 Bicycles. W CORBE MldTED. Carloafl Ms A SPECIALTY, fl Proyo Boiler Mills. . I Jiisse Knight & Sons, Propers Will Pay CASH for Wheat I Mjll opposite Railroad depots, J. T. McEWAN? PostoHice Box 192. Telephone No. 31. Manager P. O. liox, UCC. TKLt:rnoNK, No. 40. S, W, SHARP, T Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. ' FIRSToQLASS HACKS AND CARRIAGES. Special Rates to Commercial Men. Cor. I and Center Sts. PROVO CITY, UTAH. Smoot Lumber Co. 9 HEADQUARTERS FOR Doors, Windows, Lath, H Mouldings, Shingles, WM Lumber, etc H We have the wost complete Stock south H of Salt Lake Oity. C0EEESP0NDENCE SOLICITED. pox 128, Provo pity, Utah. 7 |