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Show I PROFESSIONAL. B Provo. 1 B W. B. King- J' W Uurt0D- S A K'D8-BtHNG, K'D8-BtHNG, BURTON & KINO, B Attorneys-at-Law. B Fl"t Nntlonal Bank building, 1'rovo CUV, Utah. , B M. M- Warner. D. D. Houtz. ByARNEU & HOUTZ, B Attorneys-at-Law. B Rooms 13, 14, 15, Union block, Provo City, Utah, H ", t itawllnti 8. It. Thurman. H J" J.lLHanl, E. A. Wedgwood. DAWLIXS, THURMAN, IIUKD & WEDUWOOD, Attorneys-at-Law. Hooper block, Salt. Lake City; First yatlonal Hank building, Provo. Utah. BBAKT C. BAQLEY, B Attorney-at-Law. B First National Bank building, Provo ;Bcity. Unit). B JACOB EVANS, B Attorney-at-Law. H Office. First National Bank buildlug, Provo, Utah. Bgl'MER E. CORFMAN, H Attorncy-at-Law. - H First National Bank .building, Provo f Kcity, Utah. ' flj, E BOOTH, ,B Attorney-at-Law, and I I Notary Public. 'I No. 28 J Streot, Provo City, Utah. : (JHARLES DoMOISY.. I H Attorney-at-Law. .Rooai 15, Bank building,' Provo City, jIXO & JOHN. Attorneys-at-Law. Union block, Provo City, Utah. DR. GEO. E. ROniSON, I Physician and Surgeon. H Office at rcsldnnco, one block cast of Hotel UoborU, Provo City, Utah. ga H. ALLEN, I County Physician. Surgeon R. G. W. Railway. H .Telephone 50. Olllco at residence, fth St., bet. K and L, Provo. Utah. Payson. JOS. E. CROOK. Attorney-at-Law. Persson blook, Payson, Utah. " 1 Salt Lake. O.W.Powera. D. N, Btraup. Jos. Llppmaa. pOWERS, STRAUP & LIPPMAN, Attorneys-at-Law, . Kglo blook, Salt Lake City, Utah. I ,tHANSJ1' America's Fines! HICK1B 119,000,000 I "HANS" Cigars Sold -in SMOKE 1 "imW AUTHOR," a B Blgl Graitor Ha?ii"3 Cfe- r. SB Location Notices. Notlco of location of tho'LakoTlow No. 1 claim In Eldorado Mining dls-trict dls-trict was tiled today by O. II. Pulver, E. II. Harper and Ell Cliaso. H ' ..ii. 'til Misl WHY DO YOTJ MAKE -p1 : Ladies' Wrappers? II Whcn you can buy SUCH yTYLES at 8UCH , 1 Jji PRICES as wo are Selling lfl iJllwlll A good FLE2CE LINED WRAPPER for , .' , $1.25, IB tMWInm A good general Tine from 76C. TO 83.00 II JlMM'va You 01111 buy fr01" u an ALL-W00f' EIDERDOWN for ; 83.00 V if&mfifrMtk W can sell you other Wrappers (seo cut) ,81-50 MSm THEY AliE'G001) FITTERS AND MONEY-SAYERS. M P Irvine & Sons, PpQvoj"gi 9 I . , t. , nM |