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Show I PROFESSIONAL. Provo. R IV. H. King. J. W. llurton. S. A. King. I JIXG, BURTON & KING, B Attorncys-at-Law. B First Nullonnl Dunk building, Provo Clty, Utah. B jM. M. Warn or. P-D. lloutz. I yAKSBR & HOUTZ, B Attorneys-at-Law. B Rooms 10, 14, J5, JJnlo;i block, Provo City, Utah. B ! ' B jIJS(i A- JOHN, Attorneys-at-Law. B Union block, X'roy.0 City, Utah. H J. L. Knwllns. S. It. Thurmnn. J. II. Hunt. K. A. Wedgwood. B nAWLIX3, THUHUAN, JIU1LD & WEDGWOOD, Attorneys-at-Law. fl Hooper block. Suit. Lake City; First .National Bunk building, Provo, Utuh. B QUANT C. UAGLKYj B Attorney-at-Law. B First National Hunk building, Provo iCity. Utuli, JACOB EVANS, B Attorney-at-Law. B Olllce. First Nationol Dank building, H Provo, Utah. B JJLMKK E.UOUFMAN, B Attorney-at-Law. B Eirst National Iiatik building, Provo City, Utah. B E 1100 111, B Attorney-at-Law, and B Notary Public. B No. 23 J Struct, Provo City, Utah. B rjHAULES DoMOISY. E AttorneypatrLaw. I U'b 1111 '"' ,$'in' uul'dln8. irovw City, : J)ll GKO. E. HOniSON, Physician and Surgeon. .Ofllco :it resldnnco, one block oust of Hotel Hoburt, Provo City, Utah. g II. ALLEN, County Physician. Surgeon R. G. W. Railway. Telephone CO Office at residence, Oth St.. but. K and L, Provo. Utah. Payson. JOS.E. CROOK. Attorney-at-Law. Porsson blook, Payson. Utuh!" I Salt Lake. P- W.l'owcrs. D. N. Struup. Jos. Llppman. 'pOWEKS, STRAUP & LIPPMAN, Attorneys-at-Law. Eaglo block, Salt Lako City, Utnh. HEADQUARTERS:::::: )j Bread, Cakes, I Candy, and I ( Wedding Cakes. ( H PROVO CITY BAKERY. B p - . ,,l EVERYTHING IN BAKERY ,i m ill LINE:' B I) WE KEEP EVERYTHING f WE ADVERTI8E. B F. D. KELLY, Prop'r. Jj NEW FALL D K SSS GOODS. fl EVERYTH!SS3G COSViPLETE Mew stales fl m TRmmmas. ' " Union Suits, Children's aSc and up , PPiogg Vests and Pants, Ladies' 15c. and up hllvo ft lnaKn,flCent iln0 of ' H Union Suits, Ladies' 50c. and up VV the latest thing in Novelties lB Men's, ; 4c. and up i-' J'0 l w lowest M . "9 ' r PltlCES YEP. Wo will i-ell you A Great Line at Low Prices. Sf"?0 uml 05 CnU th,a ,uu H . pay 01. w hit. , B Agents for Buttenqk Patterns. N.B-Oiiaceoinit of our exception- jjB ally low prices tills fall, we will dla- jH IpvineSe Sons, fpovo. 1! '-bI |