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Show COMMENCEMENT. ANXIOU8 STUDENTS AWAITING GRADUATING EXERCISES. A NrimVi' Star'cd on the IIoiikIi So-is to Ilittlo IjiIo Anow GruduilCd Meiulniied Bclnw. Eirly on Thursday tnornlnff visitors and students awaltlnu thn irrit'luut lntr uxeroiM's. An hour was spent In ltonm 5 eMIIIllnllltt ibe exhibit of Imiul.woi k of the Htudems from needle work and thawing to hardwood desks and bo k discs. This tuts iiecu n most ailracilve feature of the week and the deunrt-itieut deunrt-itieut of physical and natural scl-m-is have m ide u most, crcdiuihlo showit.u'. At 10:U0 ibo proccsltin nf lioanl, Faculty, Fac-ulty, idiiruiil and h udeuts marched to the Stake luhmiiicle. As the course for deirrees has laien extended Unro was no uraduatiiiK c'nss this year. The program opened with the "Academy "Acad-emy Marolilnn SOHJ5," followeil hv pnycr by Pieldent. D.ivld John. Miss Emilia Itath'iey remleicd mo-l oeitutl-fully oeitutl-fully "Souk ol the Heart. In the in- mini lepurt of President CI till llio follownii; Intere.stluK statistics: There luivo been enrolled In the Academy during ihn year 00 students, and in the Hi aver Iltanch 180, milking ii lolal of 1093. Thn students of the main school havo been distributed amouf' ibe several, depitrimmite ns follows; fol-lows; Pilmary Kradcoof Vramiiar4 irrsdes, 132; preparntory (b-partmeut, I2i; nm ui l iloparinient, 412; academic department, 40; comuiercial college, it)4, nnd uolletilate department, 40. Be-shleh Be-shleh tliesu there are 02 kludeigarten Children. Dy counties the enrollment Is distributed dis-tributed its follows: Heaver 18, H'ixelder5, Davis 2,Eniery 80. Juab so; Kunab2ri,Mllliird12. Mor-Bait Mor-Bait 4. Gartleld 30, Pain wan 10, Silt Lako 24, Sanpete, 02, San Juan 12, Sevier 22, St. Vto 7, Summit 20, Tooele 0. Uliilah 4, Utah 475, Wasatch 20, Wayiiu2,Weher9. Ariz-Hi 10, C-o. indoll. Montana 1, Nevada 0, New Mexico 4, Old Mexico 2, Wjomlnn 6. Hon, liehcr J Giant was to have delivered de-livered tbo oration. As hn wits unable to bo prnScnt Judgo J, E. Uonth took his obice. Miss Beadle Edmonds and Prof. Welhn chaimed the nmllenco with their muilcal selections and after the awarding of diplomas and certificates shun speeches weie made by Dr. Mat-aer, Mat-aer, Presldeut Edward Psrtrlile, Geo. Uey.DoMs, PrwldeutRd Buioot Prof o O. U HnniliHll " a'i.d Prclb n David John Beiiedletlon was offer, d hy My ion Tanner. The followlm? certlHcatcs and jjr es were cnnferi ed: John M. Mhl', Salt Lake, bachelor of letters. Oi'eb Tanner. .Intnes L. Rn.wn, Lucy Lu-cy Jane Brimnali KnlRht and Erasiti-FUl Erasiti-FUl Hip were awarded the degieo nf hacln-ior of didactics. Commercial college diploma, Carl K. Marcus-en. Illh school dlplonn, Nellie Key- iiold-". Kind ivarlen diplomas, Florence Reynolds diiil Mrs. Louisa W. Jones. Special ceriltlcaies ns follow: In iinlnliik'. Ida A ib-rleiv. Eiina Amu-sironir, Amu-sironir, Chi. Briiadbetii and .laiees'l. Wnrlimit sh'irihainl and typewriting Arties (il e-ple. Hafilet E Holt .and O n Holhrook music, Eva Maeser ini'l E he Seen-; Kludernaiien, Maty Uootti; surveying. houias F. Wciitz. |